Exploration of The Justice Section from Book of Luminous Benefits Explanation by Mr. Nimat Allah Al-Jazairi (1050-1112 AH)Assist. Lecturer.

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 35-46

    Huda MohammedJawad Hameed Fakhuraldeen,

  1. Assist. Lecturer, Department of Arabic Language, College of Education for Girls,Kufa University, Iraq, Najaf, Iraq


This study included the topic of justice ,that was involving a lot of sayings ,and explanations of Mr. Nimat Allah Al-Jazairi saying: ((So justice)) is the interpretation, and justice in the language is the tendency , and in terminology is what the author mentioned .His saying: ((a built infinitive of the object)) ended. The purpose of this assessment is to refute the objection that the commentator Al-Radi mentioned to the compiler, which is: Justice is an expression of bringing forth, not coming out; Because justice is transitive and exit is intransitive, and interpreting the transitive as intransitive is not permissible , and the bottom line is: Justice/[76and] is a built-in infinitive of the object. Likewise, [interpret] the exit in the sense that the noun is a noun, so it is an interpretation of the transitive by the transitive, and its bottom line is: The modified noun means that it is a noun outside of the original form, and this is what is appropriate for the position ; Because what is intended is to make it an attribute of the noun other than in the inflected form, existing in it and not the speaker, and this could be the purpose of this estimation. Rather, it can be said: Its purpose is that justice is an attribute of the speaker ; Because it is the just, and coming out is an attribute of the noun, and it is not permissible to interpret the attribute of something with another attribute, so he estimated it according to what is due to the fact that they both described the noun, so consider . His saying: ((i.e.: the noun appearing)) with a context. Searching for the noun resulted in the verb; Because it is not called justice technically. His saying: ((i.e.: about its form)) interpreted ((the form by the form, because the form may be applied to the word considering the form it presents, so it is said: the past tense form)) , and it is not what is meant here. His saying: ((which the original requires)) ended. This is considered apparent in all the examples mentioned, except in ‘Umar, for it does not have a basis or a rule that requires it to be based on it, and it can also be included in the sentence of its sisters by saying: ((When it was necessary to prevent the morphology until it was ruled that it is modal, it was ruled that it was named after the active participle of architecture, So Omar is an active participle from Al-Amarah/[76Z] that came out of its form, which is in accordance with the rule, which is Amer to Omar)) , This is what Al-Fadil Al-Mahshi stated. His statement: ((And it is not hidden)) is over. That is: when you knew the meaning of the original form, it became apparent to you that derivatives such as the active participle and its likes and sisters do not exist from the definition of justice, because (tharib) derived from multiplication is not its root, and its rule requires that it be in the multiplicative form, as the analogy in the active participle is from the abstract triple. It must be of active weight . His saying: ((Then by adding the formula)) ended. As a result of his saying: ((And it is not hidden)) and the bottom line is that if the form of the infinitive is different from the form of the derivatives, then all derivatives come out by adding the form to the noun, whether that derivative is a noun or a verb; Because even if it is outside of a form, it is outside of something other than its form, as you know, and justice is considered in it for that noun to be outside of its own form

Keywords: The Justice ,transitive, tharib, Al-Amarah, hidden .

[This article belongs to Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences (joals)]

How to cite this article:
Huda MohammedJawad Hameed Fakhuraldeen. Exploration of The Justice Section from Book of Luminous Benefits Explanation by Mr. Nimat Allah Al-Jazairi (1050-1112 AH)Assist. Lecturer.. Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences. 2024; 11(01):35-46.
How to cite this URL:
Huda MohammedJawad Hameed Fakhuraldeen. Exploration of The Justice Section from Book of Luminous Benefits Explanation by Mr. Nimat Allah Al-Jazairi (1050-1112 AH)Assist. Lecturer.. Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences. 2024; 11(01):35-46. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/joals/article=2024/view=145773


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received 15/04/2024
Accepted 09/05/2024
Published 10/05/2024