Identification of Counterfeit Product using Blockchain

Year : 2023 | Volume : 11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 1-6

    Asadullahkhan Pathan

  1. vector

    Shubham Salunke

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    Sayali Nagvekar

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    Shubham Bandal

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    Charusheela Pandit

  1. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwaniketan Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology Mumbai University, Maharashtra, India
  2. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwaniketan Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology Mumbai University, Maharashtra, India
  3. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwaniketan Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology Mumbai University, Maharashtra, India
  4. Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwaniketan Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology Mumbai University, Maharashtra, India
  5. HOD, Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwaniketan Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology Mumbai University, Maharashtra, India


As today’s growing market, the supply of products is on high demands. Thus, productions are increasing with various sources. The counterfeiting is a more common in these days which plays a huge role when it comes to company loses and bad reputation in the consumer market. Counterfeiting can also affect the economy. It can badly affect product sales and their profits as well. Where the real product manufacturers are in major disadvantage because they can never compete with the counterfeiting product manufacturers since they don’t care about quality control and uses replica or cheap materials for creating the counterfeit products. It closely resembles the genuine product, complete with identical packaging and branding. Thus, counterfeiting of original product needs to be halted in production. Blockchain technology is the best suited for storing the original manufactured product details thus it can be used for identification. The decentralized feature of blockchain helps to store the data in form of blocks which is connected to the database through the chain. It is secure and unbreachable. As for convenience of customer QR technology is used where the real product ID is stored and can be scanned through any device with camera attached.

Keywords: Counterfeit product, QR code, Blockchain, Identification, customer health

[This article belongs to Journal of Advanced Database Management & Systems(joadms)]

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How to cite this article: Asadullahkhan Pathan, Shubham Salunke, Sayali Nagvekar, Shubham Bandal, Charusheela Pandit Identification of Counterfeit Product using Blockchain joadms 2023; 11:1-6
How to cite this URL: Asadullahkhan Pathan, Shubham Salunke, Sayali Nagvekar, Shubham Bandal, Charusheela Pandit Identification of Counterfeit Product using Blockchain joadms 2023 {cited 2023 Dec 28};11:1-6. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received October 2, 2023
Accepted December 14, 2023
Published December 28, 2023

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