- n t
Simran Jauhari
- [foreach 286] [if 1175 not_equal=””]n t
- Student, School of planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India
n[/if 1175][/foreach]
nEnergy use in the construction sector is substantial. Thus, it is crucial that new materials be developed with the intention of improving building thermal efficiency. Thus, over the last few decades, the incorporation of Phase Change Materials has increased. (PCMs) into buildings has gained popularity. Such materials, which have the capacity to both absorb and release energy from/in the environment, can lessen temperature variations, enhancing human comfort while also consuming less energy during construction. This study looks at current experimental research on passive building systems that use mortars or PCMs that contain concrete. This review is primarily intended to provide information on the currently investigated materials as well as the manufacturing methodologies employed.
Keywords: Phase-Changing Material (PCM), Building substances, inactive constructing systems, mortar, concrete, thermal power storage
n[if 424 equals=”Regular Issue”][This article belongs to International Journal of Urban Design and Development(ijudd)]
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n[if 992 equals=”Open Access”] https://storage.googleapis.com/journals-stmjournals-com-wp-media-to-gcp-offload/2023/09/589a6a71-6-14-a-review-of-optimization-of-energy-efficiency-though-phase-change-material-in-buil.pdf[else] nvar fieldValue = “[user_role]”;nif (fieldValue == ‘indexingbodies’) {n document.write(‘https://storage.googleapis.com/journals-stmjournals-com-wp-media-to-gcp-offload/2023/09/589a6a71-6-14-a-review-of-optimization-of-energy-efficiency-though-phase-change-material-in-buil.pdf’);n }nelse if (fieldValue == ‘administrator’) { document.write(‘https://storage.googleapis.com/journals-stmjournals-com-wp-media-to-gcp-offload/2023/09/589a6a71-6-14-a-review-of-optimization-of-energy-efficiency-though-phase-change-material-in-buil.pdf’); }nelse if (fieldValue == ‘ijudd’) { document.write(‘https://storage.googleapis.com/journals-stmjournals-com-wp-media-to-gcp-offload/2023/09/589a6a71-6-14-a-review-of-optimization-of-energy-efficiency-though-phase-change-material-in-buil.pdf’); }n else { document.write(‘ ‘); }n [/if 992] [if 379 not_equal=””]n
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nn[if 1114 equals=”Yes”]n
n[/if 1114]
Volume | 01 |
Issue | 02 |
Received | June 15, 2023 |
Accepted | July 15, 2023 |
Published | July 28, 2023 |
n[/if 1190] [if 1177 not_equal=””]n
n[/if 1177]
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