Shrutika.P. Goraksha,
Pooja .S. Chobe,
- Student, Department of Electrical Engineering Sanjivani College Of Engineering Kopargaon, Maharashtra, India
- Student, Department of Electrical Engineering Sanjivani College Of Engineering Kopargaon, Maharashtra, India
- Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering Sanjivani College Of Engineering Kopargaon, Maharashtra, India
The LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) typically uses step-winding mode because it has an advantage such as simple construction and fewer layers of winding. The LVDT converts a location or linear movement from a reference standard (zero or null point) impulse with direction and distance information into a proportionate electrical field using the phase and amplitude components. To produce the output in full stroke, the core’s length must be more than twice as long as the LVDT’s entire stroke. To increase linearity, morse secondary coils should be added in areas where the strength of the magnetic field lines is stronger. Here, the sectional winding method is recommended to increase the accuracy of the output voltage. This study also includes the modification of LVDT as a displacement sensor with strong opposition of slowly changing otherwise steady external magnetic fields using a finite element method (FEM) simulator. Eddy current should be taken into consideration while developing it because a typical LVDT has an open-type core, depending on the core material. It is a popular kind of electromechanical transducer that can translate an object’s rectilinear motion into an electrical signal when it is mechanically attached to it.
Keywords: LVDT, Winding-modes, Eddy Current Losses, Finite Element Method (FEM), output voltage.
[This article belongs to International Journal of Solid State Innovations & Research (ijssir)]
Shrutika.P. Goraksha, Pooja .S. Chobe, D.B.Pardeshi. Winding Modification and Analysis of LVDT. International Journal of Solid State Innovations & Research. 2024; 02(02):29-35.
Shrutika.P. Goraksha, Pooja .S. Chobe, D.B.Pardeshi. Winding Modification and Analysis of LVDT. International Journal of Solid State Innovations & Research. 2024; 02(02):29-35. Available from:
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Volume | 02 |
Issue | 02 |
Received | 02/11/2024 |
Accepted | 07/11/2024 |
Published | 17/11/2024 |
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