Ellappunkal Binoy Ittyavira,
Binu Babu,
- Clinical Nurse, Medical and Oncology Unit, Sunnybank Private Hospital, Queensland, Australia
- Professor, Department of Nursing, Edappal Hospitals Nursing College, Kerala, India
Background: Cancer is a worldwide concern and ranks among the most dreaded illnesses across the globe. Oral cancers are one common cancer among all cancers. Objectives: To measure the existing knowledge concerning oral self-examination for timely recognition of oral cancer among factory workers and to develop and administer a planned health education programme of oral self-examination for early recognition of oral cancer among factory workers. 40 factory workers were selected from different factories. Materials and methods: The study employed a one-group pretest-post-test quasi-experimental design. A planned education programme was developed and implemented on the factory workers. Results: In the post-test after the planned health education programme, there was no sample in the poor knowledge group, 22 samples (55%) belong to the average knowledge group. And 18 samples (45%) got promoted to a good knowledge group. The knowledge score increased from 9.95 in the pretest to 19.8 in the post-test. The ‘t’ test value is 21.445 and the p-value is 0.000 (<0.05), therefore, the planned health education programme was significantly effective in improving the knowledge of factory workers regarding oral self-examination for early recognition of mouth cancer. With a p-value below 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected with a confidence level of 95.0%. Conclusion: The results of this study point out that the improved knowledge regarding oral self-examination will help the individual to identify oral cancer. Early recognition of cancer will help to increase survival and also reduces the struggles related to cancer.
Keywords: Oral Cancer, chemotherapy, oral self-examination, planned health education programme
[This article belongs to International Journal of Oncological Nursing and Practices (ijonnp)]
Ellappunkal Binoy Ittyavira, Binu Babu. Oral Self-examination: An Approach for Early Recognition of Oral Cancer Among Factory Workers: An Experimental Study. International Journal of Oncological Nursing and Practices. 2023; 01(02):22-26.
Ellappunkal Binoy Ittyavira, Binu Babu. Oral Self-examination: An Approach for Early Recognition of Oral Cancer Among Factory Workers: An Experimental Study. International Journal of Oncological Nursing and Practices. 2023; 01(02):22-26. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ijonnp/article=2023/view=130275
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Volume | 01 |
Issue | 02 |
Received | 30/10/2023 |
Accepted | 12/12/2023 |
Published | 20/12/2023 |