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K L University, Andhra Pradesh, India 522302
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Housing and Human Settlement Planning
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- Housing and Human Settlement Planning
Analysing the Present Rental Housing Situation for the Migrant Workforce in Delhi
- Housing and Human Settlement Planning
Space Optimization and Management for Architectural Institutions: Capacity Development Perspective
- Housing and Human Settlement Planning
Slum Scenario of the City of Taj: A Case Study of Agra City
About the Journal
International Journal of Housing and Human Settlement Planning: (2455-8516) is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015 is an architectural journal that View Full Focus and Scope…
Journal Particulars
Latest Article
Vol-09 Issue-02 2023
The Journal highly encourages you to contribute and share your knowledge with our community.
If you have a manuscript or an article that you would like to submit, we welcome your contribution.
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Special Issue
Household livelihood capital
Land , Woods , Sewage and water systems , Livelihood strategies , Natural capital
Abstract Submission deadline : 30-Nov-2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : 25-Dec-2024
Public service environment
Public sector organizations , Local government , Business Excellence , Public service media ,
Abstract Submission deadline : 30-Nov-2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : 25-Dec-2024
Comprehensive Management
Risk management , Project control , Change management , General nature , Long Island Sound ecology
Abstract Submission deadline : 30-Nov-2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : 25-Dec-2024
Land use transition
Dominant morphology , Land use transition research , Sustainable land use , Socio-economic
Abstract Submission deadline : 30-Nov-2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : 25-Dec-2024
Incremental Housing
Incremental owner-built housing , Incremental development of housing subdivisions ,
Abstract Submission deadline : 30-Nov-2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : 25-Dec-2024
Housing Markets
Real estate market , Real estate investors , Community economy , Consumption , Mortgage markets
Abstract Submission deadline : 30-Nov-2024
Mansusript Submission deadline : 25-Dec-2024