[{“box”:0,”content”:”[if 992 equals=”Open Access”]
Open Access
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- n t
Kivikali B. Chishi
n[if 2099 not_equal=”Yes”]n
- [foreach 286] [if 1175 not_equal=””]n t
- Student, Department of Building Engineering and Management, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India
n[/if 1175][/foreach]
[/if 2099][if 2099 equals=”Yes”][/if 2099]nn
nThe environmental impact of human activities, particularly in the production and consumption of goods, has gained significant attention in recent years. The carbon footprint that products have is one important part of this impact. This research paper investigates and analyzes the carbon footprint of products, exploring the methods of assessment, key contributing factors, and potential mitigation strategies. By understanding the carbon footprint of products, consumers, producers, and policymakers can make informed decisions to promote sustainable practices and contribute to the collective effort to mitigate climate change. This comprehensive analysis provides valuable insights into the complex relationship between products and their environmental impact, offering a foundation for informed decision-making and sustainable action.
Keywords: Climate change, Sustainability, Buildings, Global warming, Carbon emissions.
n[if 424 equals=”Regular Issue”][This article belongs to International Journal of Environmental Planning and Development Architecture(ijepda)]
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- K. Paul, C. Basu, A. Rastogi and K. Kumar, “Status of Fire Safety in Healthcare Facilities in India,” International Journal of Architecture and Infrastructure Planning; https://architecture.journalspub.info/index.php?journal=JAIP&page=index, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1–11, 2022.
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- Kumar and V. K. Paul, “A Critical Review of Risk Factors and Reliability Assessment Issues of Fire and Life Safety in Buildings,” NICMAR JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, vol. XXXVII, no. III, pp. 23–33, 2022.
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- Kumar and V. K. Paul, “Risk and Reliability Assessment of Smoke Control Systems in the Buildings,” International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), vol. 10, no. X, pp. 576–581, 2022.
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International Journal of Environmental Planning and Development Architecture
Volume | 02 | |
[if 424 equals=”Regular Issue”]Issue[/if 424][if 424 equals=”Special Issue”]Special Issue[/if 424] [if 424 equals=”Conference”][/if 424] | 01 | |
Received | March 2, 2024 | |
Accepted | April 2, 2024 | |
Published | April 12, 2024 |
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