A Case Study of Olive Ridley Turtles and Vultures

Year : 2023 | Volume :01 | Issue : 02 | Page : 72-98

Mayank Raj,

Hegreev Kumar,

Kaustubh Verma,

  1. Student University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Department of Law Uttrakhand India
  2. Student University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Department of Law Uttrakhand India
  3. Student University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Department of Law Uttrakhand India


Olive Ridley sea turtles and vultures are two species that were on the verge of extinction due to various factors such as habitat loss, hunting, and human intervention. The Government of India put policies in place to protect these species, and the efforts paid off. The government-imposed restrictions on Olive Ridley sea turtles included the use of turtle excluder devices in fishing gear and the establishment of protected zones along the coast. These precautions were required since the mortality rate of Olive Ridley turtles is increased by their propensity to be entangled in fishing nets. To allow turtles to escape, turtle excluder devices are fastened to fishing nets. India is one of the nations having the largest populations of Olive Ridley turtles worldwide. Since visitors come to see the turtles’ nesting and hatching, they have a considerable economic impact.

Keywords: Olive Ridley, Wildlife, conservation, sea turtles, fishing community development

[This article belongs to International Journal of Environmental Planning and Development Architecture(ijepda)]

How to cite this article: Mayank Raj, Hegreev Kumar, Kaustubh Verma. A Case Study of Olive Ridley Turtles and Vultures. International Journal of Environmental Planning and Development Architecture. 2023; 01(02):72-98.
How to cite this URL: Mayank Raj, Hegreev Kumar, Kaustubh Verma. A Case Study of Olive Ridley Turtles and Vultures. International Journal of Environmental Planning and Development Architecture. 2023; 01(02):72-98. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ijepda/article=2023/view=112097


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Regular Issue Subscription Case Report
Volume 01
Issue 02
Received May 5, 2023
Accepted May 10, 2023
Published July 5, 2023