Interior Design and Well-being: Enhancing Mental Health through Design

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Rachit Sharma


Dr. Deepti Pande Rana

  1. Student Amity University , Lucknow Campus Uttar Pradesh India
  2. Associate Professor Amity University , Lucknow Campus Uttar Pradesh India


In contemporary society, where stressors abound and mental health concerns are prevalent, the role of interior design in promoting well-being has garnered increasing attention. This abstract provides an in-depth exploration of how strategic design interventions can positively impact mental health and enhance overall quality of life. Beginning with an examination of the psychological foundations, this abstract elucidates the intricate relationship between design elements and mental states. It discusses how factors such as lighting, color palette, spatial organization, and access to nature can influence individuals’ emotional responses, cognitive functioning, and stress levels. Understanding these principles enables designers to implement targeted solutions that support mental well-being.Building upon this foundation, the abstract presents a range of actionable design strategies aimed at fostering positive mental health outcomes. One such approach is the integration of biophilic design principles, which involves incorporating elements of nature into interior spaces. Research suggests that exposure to natural elements, such as indoor plants, natural materials, and views of greenery, can reduce stress, increase productivity, and enhance mood. By embracing biophilic design, designers can create environments that evoke feelings of tranquillity, connection, and vitality. Furthermore, the abstract explores the importance of creating spaces that facilitate social interaction and community engagement. Designing communal areas with comfortable seating arrangements, inviting layouts, and amenities encourages socialization and fosters a sense of belonging. Whether in residential developments, workplaces, or healthcare settings, promoting social cohesion can mitigate feelings of loneliness and isolation, thereby promoting mental well-being.

Keywords: Interior Design, well-being, mental health, design psychology, color psychology, emotional comfort, mindfulness spaces.

How to cite this article: Rachit Sharma, Dr. Deepti Pande Rana. Interior Design and Well-being: Enhancing Mental Health through Design. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Rachit Sharma, Dr. Deepti Pande Rana. Interior Design and Well-being: Enhancing Mental Health through Design. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 2024; ():-. Available from:


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Ahead of Print Subscription Original Research
Received April 20, 2024
Accepted May 16, 2024
Published May 20, 2024

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