Synergistic Procurement and Molecular Characteristics of Full Grain Leather in Advanced Material Engineering

Year : 2024 | Volume :02 | Issue : 02 | Page : 8-13

    B. Goswami,

  1. Ex-Assistant Professor, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Ran Vijay Singh College of Engineering and Technology, Jamshedpur, East-Singhbhum, Jharkhand, India


This article explores the molecular characteristics and engineering processes involved in the production and application of full-grain leather, recognized for its premium quality due to its intact granular structure. Full-grain leather, undivided into split layers, maintains a robust and durable molecular composition, making it a preferred material in high-quality garment manufacturing. The study emphasizes the role of leather conditioners in restoring the molecular suppleness and moisture retention of leather, crucial for its long-term flexibility and resistance to wear. The research also investigates the effects of different tanning processes—chromium, semi-vegetable, and vegetable tanning—on the molecular properties of leather, influencing its suitability for various applications. Further, the article delves into the development of abrasion-resistant materials, such as staple-reinforced leather and heavy rubber, engineered to enhance molecular resilience in protective gear. The mechanical properties of leather, including tensile strength, air and water vapor permeability, and thermal resistance, are examined, highlighting the importance of molecular uniformity and stability in performance. The global leather value chain, intricately linked to the meat production industry, is analyzed with a focus on molecular modifications facilitated by advanced chemical agents and processing techniques. Additionally, the study explores bio-leather, derived from bio-based raw materials, as a sustainable alternative to fossil-derived leather, with a detailed examination of its molecular structure, composition, and performance. This research underscores the critical role of molecular engineering in advancing leather production, offering insights into the development of high-quality, sustainable leather products with enhanced durability, aesthetic appeal, and environmental compatibility.

Keywords: Full-grain leather, molecular engineering, tanning processes, bio-leather, abrasion resistance

[This article belongs to International Journal of Advance in Molecular Engineering (ijame)]

How to cite this article:
B. Goswami. Synergistic Procurement and Molecular Characteristics of Full Grain Leather in Advanced Material Engineering. International Journal of Advance in Molecular Engineering. 2024; 02(02):8-13.
How to cite this URL:
B. Goswami. Synergistic Procurement and Molecular Characteristics of Full Grain Leather in Advanced Material Engineering. International Journal of Advance in Molecular Engineering. 2024; 02(02):8-13. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 02
Issue 02
Received 11/09/2024
Accepted 29/10/2024
Published 12/11/2024