Accidental discovery of the antibiotic properties of penicillin marked a watershed moment in healthcare, transforming the landscape of medicine and saving countless lives of injured and infected. Further research and awareness on the advantages of this “miracle drug” resulted in its bulk production in the 1940s, and played a crucial role in saving lives of thousands during World War II. Subsequent discoveries especially broad-spectrum antibiotics paved the way for further advancement but the misuse and over use of antibiotics lead in to drug resistance a distinct property the microbes can undergo. By 2013WHO recognised this and, in its report, accepted this as a global public health issue [1]. Not only WHO but many other organisations also realised this menace against men and animals and were in the process of producing newer drugs, arranging awareness programmes, proposing governess etc to overcome the related challenges. But the un presidential nature of COVID 19 pandemic pushed the world into a peculiar state of uncertainty. Scientific elite started discussing the cause and consequences. The awareness that, increased animal- human contact due to large scale agriculture, deforestation etc can result in the increase of zoonosis and this made us to take preventive measures in terms of over use of disinfectants etc. Pursuit of wealth overriding considerations of prudence, ethics, and risk seen in the post COVID era worsened this condition alarmingly. This paper discusses the brief history of antibiotics and its status and measures to be taken to address the challenges in the current scenario.
Keywords: antibiotic, antibiotic resistance, antibiotic governess, broad spectrum antibiotics, deforestation, microbes, post COVID era, pandemic and zoonosis.
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Volume | |
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Received | November 17, 2023 |
Accepted | |
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