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Dr. Prabha Lama

Dr. Prabha Lama

Head & Associate Professor
Graphic Era (Deemed to be university), Uttarakhand, India 240002
Editor in Chief
Recent Trends in Social Studies
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Institutional Profile Link : https://geu.ac.in/humanities-and-social-science/faculty/dr-prabha-lama-2/


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Focus and Scope

Last Updated on: 01 Jan 2025

About the Journal

Recent Trends in Social Studies is a peer-reviewed online Journal launched in 2024 that focuses to explore the latest trends in social studies, including the latest research, developments, and innovations. The paper will delve into the latest ideas and theories in social studies, examining how they are changing our understanding of society and human behavior. It will cover various topics, such as social inequality, cultural diversity, globalization, and the impact of technology on social interactions. The paper will also explore the latest pedagogical approaches and teaching methods in social studies education.

Focus and Scope

  • Latest trends in social studies: Social inequality, Cultural diversity, Globalization, Technology, social interactions, Digital learning, Inquiry-based learning, Project-based learning, Social media, Virtual reality, Big data, Social issues, Social phenomena, Pedagogical approaches, Teaching Methods, Social studies research, Latest theories and models, Human behavior, Social change, Social justice, Critical thinking.
  •  Research, Developments, and Innovations in Social Studies: Social sciences, Anthropology, Sociology, Political science, Economics, Psychology, History, Geography, Cultural studies, Social research methods, Data analysis, Qualitative research, Quantitative research, Mixed-methods research, Social policy, Social movements, Community development, Participatory Research, Action research, Social innovation, Social entrepreneurship, Social Impact, Social Development, Social sustainability, Global citizenship.
  • Change the understanding of Society and Human Behavior: Social constructivism, Socialization, Social norms, Social roles, Social identity, Socialization agents, Social cognition, Socialization theories, Social learning theory, Socialization processes, Cultural transmission, Socialization and education, Socialization and media, Socialization and technology, Socialization and globalization, Socialization and diversity, Social change, Social innovation, Social transformation, Social justice.
  • Social Inequality: Income inequality, Wealth inequality, Education inequality, Gender inequality, Racial inequality, Ethnic inequality, Social class inequality, Health inequality, Housing inequality, Environmental inequality, Political inequality, Cultural inequality, Social mobility, Social stratification, Social exclusion, Social segregation, Social disadvantage, Intersectionality, Discrimination, Prejudice, Stereotyping, Marginalization, Oppression, Power dynamics, Social justice.
  • Cultural Diversity: Cultural differences, Cultural Awareness, Cultural Competence, Cultural sensitivity, Cultural identity, Multiculturalism, Diversity training, Cross-cultural communication, Intercultural communication, Globalization and culture, Ethnicity, Race, Cultural values, Cultural beliefs, Cultural practices, Cultural norms, Cultural traditions, Cultural adaptation, Cultural integration, Cultural exchange, Cultural pluralism, Cultural hybridity, Cultural syncretism, Cultural relativism, Cultural diversity, and inclusion.
  • Globalization: Globalization and culture, Globalization and economy, Globalization and technology, Globalization and politics, Globalization and trade, Globalization and communication, Globalization and migration, Globalization, and environment, Globalization and development, Globalization and education, Globalization and tourism, Globalization and health, Globalization and human rights, Globalization and inequality, Globalization and identity, Transnational corporations, International organizations, International relations, World systems theory, Globalization and resistance, Anti-globalization, Cultural globalization, Economic globalization, Political globalization, Social globalization.
  • Impact of technology on social interactions: Social media, Online communication, Digital communication, Virtual communication, Internet culture, Social networking, Digital addiction, Online communities, Cyberbullying, Cyberstalking, Cybersecurity, Online privacy, Online harassment, Online identity, Virtual reality, Augmented reality, Social robots, Human-computer interaction, Social implications of technology, Technological determinism, Social construction of technology, Social shaping of technology, Social interaction in virtual environments, Digital Citizenship, Social skills, and technology.
  • Pedagogical approaches and teaching methods: Active learning, Project-based learning, Inquiry-based learning, Problem-based learning, Collaborative learning, Cooperative learning, Flipped classroom, Peer teaching, Experiential learning, Differentiated instruction, Personalized learning, Student-centered learning, Teacher-centered learning, Constructivist approach, Behaviorist approach, Cognitive approach, Socio-cultural approach, Critical pedagogy, Culturally responsive teaching, Multicultural education, Inclusive education, Universal design for learning, Blended learning, Online learning, Hybrid learning.


  • Digital Humanities
  • Big data analysis
  • Social media research
  • Participatory action research
  • Community-based research
  • Intersectionality research
  • Decolonizing research
  • Critical race theory
  • Postcolonial theory
  • Queer theory
  • Feminist theory
  • Critical theory
  • Cultural studies
  • Environmental studies
  • Global studies
  • Social entrepreneurship
  • Social innovation
  • Social impact assessment
  • Civic education
  • Media literacy
  • Critical digital literacy
  • Critical media studies
  • Youth studies
  • Aging studies
  • Health humanities.

Last Update: 25-Sep-24