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About the Journal
The Journal of Family and Adoption Law [Applied(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal established in 2018, dedicated to exploring legal aspects related to family dynamics and adoption. The journal provides a platform for scholarly discussions on the rights and responsibilities within domestic relations. It acknowledges the impact of local, state, and federal laws on families, particularly in cases of separation, divorce, and adoption.
Focus and Scope
- Child Custody: Examination of factors influencing child custody decisions, including parental fitness, primary caretaker status, and parent-child relationships, Evaluation of tools such as the Conflict Tactics Scale and Parenting Stress Index in child custody assessments.
- Adoption: In-depth exploration of the adoption process, considering legal, psychological, and cultural aspects, Analysis of contemporary issues in adoption, including single parent adoption, foster care, and open versus closed adoption.
- Parent Relocation: Study of legal and clinical considerations in cases of custodial parent relocation after divorce or separation, Exploration of the impact of long-distance relationships on families, addressing issues related to parental conflict and domestic violence.
- Divorce and Separation: Analysis of the effects of divorce and separation on family relationships, with a focus on socio-economic factors and impacts on single-parent families, Identification of factors promoting higher divorce rates and their implications for family dynamics.
- Grandparent Rights: Examination of legal aspects surrounding grandparent rights, including visitation and ongoing contact, Consideration of circumstances, such as parental divorce, conflict, and remarriage, affecting grandparent-grandchild relationships.
- Alimony: Study of various forms of alimony, including rehabilitative, reimbursement, and transitional alimony, Discussion on legal strategies for protecting assets and ensuring financial stability during and after divorce.
- Child Support: Analysis of paternity issues and methods for calculating child support, Exploration of agreements related to child support, including temporary arrangements, medical expenses, and considerations for special needs children.
The Journal of Family and Adoption Law invites scholarly contributions, research papers, and case studies that contribute to the understanding and development of family and adoption law. Researchers, legal professionals, and scholars are encouraged to submit works that address the complexities and evolving dynamics within family structures and adoption processes. The journal aims to foster knowledge exchange and promote advancements in family and adoption law.
Last Update: 27-Dec-23