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Editor Overview
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Dr. S.V.S.S.N.V.G. Krishna Murthy
Professor and Head
Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Maharastra, India 411025
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Energy and Thermal Applications
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About the Journal
International Journal of Energy and Thermal Applications is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015 that publishes original, high-quality research and review papers that are capable of triggering a domino effect in the field of mechanical engineering and also supports the practical application of the established research that forms the core of the subject. Journal covers all major topics in thermal energy applications ranging from thermal, and non-thermal processes to ocean thermal energy. Journal aims to unroll the scroll of recent advancements and applications that can prove to be an asset in building a strong backbone on the subject matter.
Focus and Scope
Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Non-Equilibrium: Optical wave turbulence, Incoherent solitons, Thermalization and condensation, NLS equation, pseudoelasticity, hysteresis loop.
Thermodynamic systems and processes, thermal management/control: Thermal management, Integrated analysis, Multiple systems coupling, Air conditioning system, Engine cooling system.
Heating and cooling technologies: Passive, Cooling, Heating, Building energy efficiency, Green building, Heating and cooling, Illumination.
Thermochemical Storage; Energy Transformations: Thermochemical heat storage, Coupled problems, Porous media, Multiphysics, Numerical simulation, Continuum modeling.
Classical, statistical, chemical, Atmospheric, Biological Thermodynamics: Maximum entropy production principle (MEPP), Ziegler’s and Prigogine’s principles, MEPP applications, SPM, ESM, D-PFM.
Thermodynamic properties and relations: Entropy, Compressibility, Thermodynamic Data, Structure Refinement, Tetrahedral Site.
Thermal interface materials: Power electronics, Thermal resistance, Electronic packaging thermal management, Insulated gate bipolar transistors, Temperature, Silicon, Optical materials, Electrical resistance measurement, Bonding, Copper.
Thermoeconomics: Thermoeconomic analysis, Energy, Thermoeconomic diagnosis, Exergy, Exergy cost, Thermoeconomic analysis, Energy, Thermoeconomic diagnosis, Exergy, Exergetic cost.
- Thermoeconomics
- Thermochemical Storage
- Biological Thermodynamics
- Non Equilibrium
- Thermal management/control