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International Journal of Land Cover

International Journal of Land


Focus and Scope

About the Journal

The International Journal of Land is a peer-reviewed open-access journal launched in 2024 that aims to advance knowledge and understanding of land-related issues. The focus of IJL is on the multiple dimensions of land, including social, economic, environmental, and legal aspects, and their interconnections.IJL welcomes original research articles, reviews, and perspectives from scholars and practitioners from different disciplines, including geography, economics, law, sociology, anthropology, environmental science, and others. The journal is open to empirical, theoretical, and methodological contributions that advance the understanding of land-related issues and their implications for sustainable development.

Focus and Scope

  • Land use and land cover change: Land use change, Land cover change, Urbanization, Deforestation, Agricultural expansion, Forest degradation, Soil erosion, Land abandonment, Land fragmentation, Land-use intensity, Land-use conflicts, Land tenure systems, Land-use policies, Land-use modeling, Remote sensing of land-use change, Ecosystem services, Carbon sequestration, Biodiversity conservation, Habitat fragmentation, Landscape connectivity.
  • Land governance and tenure: Land governance, Land tenure, Land rights, Land Administration, Land reform, Land markets, Land tenure security, Customary land tenure, Formal land tenure, Land registration, Land-use planning, Land-use regulations, Land-use zoning, Land taxation, Land expropriation, Land redistribution, Land grabbing, Land conflicts, Gender and land tenure, Indigenous peoples’ land rights.
  • Land degradation and restoration: Land degradation, Soil erosion, Desertification, Deforestation, Land pollution, Land-use change, Land restoration, Land rehabilitation, Soil conservation, Soil fertility, Agroforestry, Ecological restoration, Reforestation, Forest landscape restoration, Soil carbon sequestration, Watershed management, Sustainable land management, Land degradation neutrality, Land degradation hotspots, Climate-smart agriculture.
  • Land and natural resources: Land use, Land cover, Biodiversity, Water Resources, Forest resources, Wildlife habitats, Wetlands, Coastal and marine ecosystems, Ecosystem services, Land degradation, Natural resource management, Conservation, Protected areas, Landscape ecology, Sustainable development, Climate change adaptation, Renewable energy, Sustainable agriculture, Agroecology, Green infrastructure.
  • Land and climate change: Land use change, Land cover change, Deforestation, Forest degradation, Carbon sequestration, Soil carbon, Climate-smart agriculture, Agroforestry, Reforestation, Restoration ecology, Land degradation neutrality, Ecosystem services, Land Management, Land-use planning, Land-use regulations, Carbon markets, REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), Adaptation, Resilience, Mitigation.
  • Land and development: Land use planning, Land use zoning, Land use regulations, Land development, Urbanization, Rural development, Sustainable development, Land grabbing, Land tenure, Land rights, Land acquisition, Land markets, Land-use change, Land Management, Land-use conflict, Land-use modeling, Land Administration, Land taxation, Land expropriation, Land reform.
  • Land and conflict: Land disputes, Land conflicts, Land tenure insecurity, Land grabbing, Resource conflicts, Property rights, Land governance, Land policy, Land restitution, Land reform, Land use conflicts, Ethnic conflicts, Indigenous peoples’ land rights, Gender and land conflicts, Access to land, Land expropriation, Land-based violence, Land restitution, Land redistribution, Land-based grievances.


  • Land use
  • Land cover change
  • Land governance
  • Land tenure
  • Land degradation
  • Land restoration
  • Natural resources
  • Climate change
  • Development
  • Conflict
  • Ecosystem services
  • Sustainable development
  • Spatial planning
  • Land-use modeling
  • Land markets
  • Land policy
  • Land management
  • Land administration
  • Land rights
  • Rural development.