Eco-Friendly Elixirs: A Critical Review of Biosurfactants for Sustainable Wastewater Solutions

Year : 2024 | Volume : 11 | Issue : 02 | Page : 14-33

    Rushil Bhatt,

  • Piyush Shrivastava,

  • Jharna Gupta,

  • Aditi Vetal,

  1. Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, M S University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
  2. Research Scholar, Chemical Engineering Department, M S University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
  3. Research Scholar, Chemical Engineering Department, M S University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
  4. Research Scholar, Chemical Engineering Department, M S University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India


Biosurfactants are the amphiphilic substances which are acquired from the remains of the living microorganisms and have attracted a lot of scientific interests because of their applicability in various fields. This review aims at reviewing current research and development on biosurfactants with special emphasis on their application in wastewater and oil. Biosurfactants being less hazardous to the environment are produced by microorganisms and works as a substitute for chemically produced surfactants which are dangerous-persistent organic pollutants. One of the primary challenges associated with biosurfactants is the scalability of production and associated costs. Despite these hurdles, the benefits of biosurfactants outweigh the challenges. Their unique properties include stability under extreme conditions of pH and temperature, biodegradability, and improved physicochemical stability. These attributes render biosurfactants particularly suitable for applications requiring environmental compliance and operational versatility.In the context of the oil and gas industry, biosurfactants show considerable promise. They facilitate enhanced oil recovery (EOR) by lowering interfacial tension between oil and water, thereby improving the efficiency of extraction processes. Moreover, ongoing research explores novel biosurfactant types derived from diverse microbial sources, which could further expand their applicability and effectiveness. Interestingly, biosurfactants show potential within the oil and gas sector promising directions within the framework of the novel biosurfactant types based on microorganisms rather than organic or marine origin. Major benefits of biosurfactants, apart from biodegradability and low toxicity, include renewability, stability to extreme conditions of pH and temperatures and improved physicochemical stability. These attributes make them specially suitable to applications which require superior environmental compliance and operational flexibility. Summing up, biosurfactants may be referred to as an endlessly developing branch of biotechnologies and a promising area for the further research and creation of new applications. The diverse applications show the suitability to disrupt sectors dependent on surfactant advancement, prousing environmental solutions following today’s policy aspirations. In future research endeavors, it is believed that more advancements will be made that can underscore biosurfactant’s efficiency in production, cost effectiveness and their variety applications in technology for a greener world.

Keywords: Biosurfactants, Microbial surface-active compounds, Amphiphilic molecules, Alternative substrates

[This article belongs to Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering (etce)]

How to cite this article:
Rushil Bhatt, Piyush Shrivastava, Jharna Gupta, Aditi Vetal. Eco-Friendly Elixirs: A Critical Review of Biosurfactants for Sustainable Wastewater Solutions. Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering. 2024; 11(02):14-33.
How to cite this URL:
Rushil Bhatt, Piyush Shrivastava, Jharna Gupta, Aditi Vetal. Eco-Friendly Elixirs: A Critical Review of Biosurfactants for Sustainable Wastewater Solutions. Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering. 2024; 11(02):14-33. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received 26/06/2024
Accepted 09/07/2024
Published 01/08/2024