Editorial board

Editor Overview

njel maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.


Law Journals, An imprint of Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: (+91) 0120- 4781 200, 0120-4781243
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Meet the Editorial Board Members


Editor in Chief (1)

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Prof. Dr. Azimkhan B. Pathan

Professor of Law

GD Goenka University, Sohna Raod (Gurugram)

Haryana , India

Institution Profile Link: https://www.gdgoenkauniversity.com/school-of-law/prof-dr-azimkhan-b-pathan

Email :

Editor (16)

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Dr. Sangeeta Roy (Maitra)

Assistant Professor

Hooghly Mohsin College

West Bengal , India

Institution Profile Link: https://hooghlymohsincollege.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/7.1.1-Specific-facilities-provided-for-women.pdf

Email :

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Mr. Pritam Ghosh

Assistant Professor

NMIMS (Deemed to be University)

Karnataka , India

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

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Ms. G.Vinodini Devi

Assistant Professor

ICFAI University

Uttarakhand , India

Institution Profile Link: https://www.kluniversity.in/Show-Faculty-List.aspx?id=LAW

Email :

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Dr. Sagar Kumar Jaiswal

Assistant Professor(H.O.D.)

Guru Ghasidas University

Chattisgarh , India

Institution Profile Link: https://new.ggu.ac.in/department-staff/27/staff-details/242/0/

Email :

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Dr. Nital Sahebrao Nandedkar


V. N. Patil Law College

Maharashtra , India

Institution Profile Link: https://www.university.youth4work.com/vnplc_v-n-patil-law-college

Email :

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Dr. Purnendu Mishra

Assistant Professor

University of Allahabad

Uttar Pradesh , India

Institution Profile Link: https://cmpcollege.ac.in/departments/search-teacher.php?id=42

Email :

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Dr. Taniya Malik

Assistant Professor

GD Goenka University

Haryana , India

Institution Profile Link: https://advocatesindia.biz/advocate/gurgaon/advocate-taniya-malik

Email :

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Dr. Sugato Mukherjee

Assistant Professor

Amity University

Haryana , India

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

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Dr. Nah Anthony Tetinwe

Senior Lecturer

University of Dschang

Dschang , Cameroon

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

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Dr. Bhupal Bhattacharya

Assistant Professor

Raiganj University

West Bengal , India

Institution Profile Link: https://raiganjuniversity.ac.in/law-faculty-cv/#

Email :

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Dr. Om Krishna

Assistant Professor

Lloyd Law College

Uttar Pradesh , India

Institution Profile Link: https://www.lloydlawcollege.edu.in/faculty/dr-om-krishna.html

Email :

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Dr. Mensah Cocou Marius

Senior Lecturer

Alma Mater Europaea

Maribor , Slovenia

Institution Profile Link: http://publishing-vak.ru/file/archive-law-2014-1/4-mensah-cocou-marius.pdf

Email :

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Ms. Niddhi Akhouri

Independent Legal Professional

Bihar State Bar Council

Bihar , India

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

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Dr. M. Nazrul Islam

Professor and Head

Gono University

Dhaka , Bangladesh

Institution Profile Link: https://profnazrul.com/

Email :

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Ms. Esther L Chhangte

Assistant Professor

Govt. Mizoram Law College

Mizoram , India

Institution Profile Link: https://mlc.mizoram.gov.in/uploads/attachments/2022/05/0f63fc968ffb2ac2163ac709abcb7250/iqac-meeting-minute-2492020pdf.pdf

Email :

451a7948 female

Dr. M Rajanikanth

Assistant Professor

Symbiosis Law School

Telangana State , India

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

Law Journals, An imprint of Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.,
A-118, 1st Floor, Sector-63, Noida, U.P. India, Pin – 201301, India

Principle Contact
Gagan Kumar Commissioning Editor
Phone:- 0120-4781243
[email protected]


STM Journals, an Imprint of Consortium eLearning Network Pvt Ltd.
A-118, First floor, Sector-63
Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301

Principle Contact

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 Gagan Kumar (Commissioning Editor)
 [email protected]