Editorial board

    Editor Overview

    ijmbr maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.


    STM Journals, An imprint of Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.

    E-mail: [email protected]
    Tel: (+91) 0120- 4781 200, 0120 4781221
    Mob: (+91) 981-007-8958, (+91)-966-7725-932

    Meet the Editorial Board Members


    Editor in Chief (2)

    5386fba3 dr.meenu singh

    Prof. Dr.Meenu Singh


    IILM University, Greater Noida

    Uttar Pradesh , India

    Institution Profile Link: https://iilm.ac.in/faculties/dr-meenu-singh/

    Email :

    451a7948 female

    Dr. Rajeswari Narayanappa

    Professor & Head

    Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering

    Karnataka , India

    Institution Profile Link: https://dsce.irins.org/profile/167989

    Email :

    Associate Editor in Chief (2)

    14bbedcf rajalakshmi govindaraju



    AMET Deemed to be University, Chennai

    Tamil Nadu , India

    Institution Profile Link: https://www.ametuniv.ac.in/Biotech/faculty

    Email :

    451a7948 female

    Dr. Kumud Malhotra Sarin


    Guru Nanak Institutions

    Delhi , India

    Institution Profile Link: https://www.gnuindia.org/kumud-malhotra.php

    Email :

    Editor (16)

    488965ea 1695882055 tarun pal jpg

    Dr. Tarun Pal

    Assistant Professor

    Shoolini University

    Himachal Pradesh , India, 173229

    Institution Profile Link: https://shooliniuniversity.com/faculty/profile/Tarun-Pal

    Email :

    ed81e646 male

    Dr. Rajnish Sharma

    Associate Professor & Head

    Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry

    Himachal Pradesh , India

    Institution Profile Link:

    Email :

    op verma jpg

    Dr. O.P. Verma

    Associate Professor

    Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences

    Uttar Pradesh , India, 211007

    Institution Profile Link: https://shuats.org/webwapp/dict_ipc_coordinators.asp

    Email :

    ed81e646 male

    Dr. Abbas Ali Mahdi

    Professor & Head, Controller of Examination

    King George’s Medical University

    Lucknow , India

    Institution Profile Link: https://kgmu.org/department_faculty.php?dept_type=2&dept_id=3

    Email :

    451a7948 female



    College of Dentistry, University of Iraq

    Baghdad , Iraq

    Institution Profile Link:

    Email :

    66eaff4a mehdi jpeg

    Mr. Mehdi Rahimi

    Associate prof.

    University of Advanced Technology

    Kerman , Iran

    Institution Profile Link:

    Email :

    2bce7977 ajar nath yadav jpg

    Dr. Ajar Nath Yadav,

    Associate Professor

    Akal College of Agriculture, Eternal University

    Himachal Pradesh , India

    Institution Profile Link: https://sites.google.com/view/ajarnathyadav

    Email :

    f93475b3 196504 jpg

    Dr. Gayathiri E

    Assistant Professor

    Guru Nanak College

    Tamil Nadu , India

    Institution Profile Link: https://gurunanakcollege.irins.org/profile/196504

    Email :

    fcf7f699 prof. dr. alireza heidari 3

    Dr. Alireza Heidari

    Full Distinguished Professor

    California South University (CSU)

    California , USA

    Institution Profile Link: http://calsu.us/index.php/member/prof-dr-alireza-heidari/

    Email :

    451a7948 female

    Dr. Ravi Prakash

    Application Scientist

    Scientist, Labmate Asia Pvt. LTD.

    Delhi , India

    Institution Profile Link: https://www.bruker.com/

    Email :

    451a7948 female


    Ph.D Scholar

    ph.D scholar in Biotechnology (DST-INSPIRE fellow)

    Delhi , India

    Institution Profile Link: https://www.nou.nic.in/3.1.4.pdf

    Email :

    ed81e646 male

    Mr. Awais Ali


    Abdul Wali Khan University

    Mardan , Pakistan

    Institution Profile Link:

    Email :

    ed81e646 male

    Dr. Harishchander Anandaram,

    Assistant Professor

    Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

    Coimbatore. , India

    Institution Profile Link: https://www.amrita.edu/faculty/a-harishchander/

    Email :

    451a7948 female

    Dr. Neha Srivastava

    Assistant Professor

    IILM College of Engineering & Technology,

    Uttar Pradesh , India

    Institution Profile Link: https://iilm.edu/personnel/neha-srivastava/

    Email :

    ed81e646 male

    Dr. K. S. Karthikeyan

    Post-Doctoral fellow

    National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research Govt. of India

    Hyderabad , India

    Institution Profile Link:

    Email :

    ed81e646 male

    Mr. Nevein Salah El Din Mohamed Saleh

    Assistant Professor

    National Research Centre

    Cairo , Egypt

    Institution Profile Link:

    Email :

    Section Editor (3)

    5d63a435 shiha png



    Universiti Teknologi MARA

    Institution Profile Link: https://pharmacy.uitm.edu.my/index.php/discover-us/directory/27-corporate/staff-directory/69-dr-mohd-shihabuddin-ahmad-noorden

    Email :

    c09c8986 ragini raghav

    Dr. Ragini Raghav

    Assistant Professor

    Atmiya University, Rajkot

    Gujarat , India

    Institution Profile Link: https://atmiyauni.irins.org/profile/296231

    Email :

    451a7948 female

    Dr. Sona Chowdhury


    University of California San francisco

    California , United States, 94158

    Institution Profile Link: https://profiles.ucsf.edu/sona.chowdhury

    Email :

    Guest Editor (4)

    ed81e646 male

    Mr. Tymoteusz Miller

    Assistant Professor

    university of szczecin

    Wespomeranian , Poland

    Institution Profile Link: https://nms.usz.edu.pl/instytut/pracownicy/

    Email :

    38c1cebb 1 jpg

    Prof. Muhammad Waseem

    Head of the Department

    Faculty of Rehabilitation and Allied Health Sciences, Riphah International University, Islamabad

    Pakistan , Pakistan, 11480

    Institution Profile Link: https://riphah.edu.pk/faculty-of-frhas-isb/

    Email :

    dccea518 mr. simon shrestha

    Mr. Simon Shrestha

    Assistant professor

    Kathmandu University, P.O. Box No. 6250

    Dhulikhel , Nepal

    Institution Profile Link: https://ku.edu.np/contact-detail/241

    Email :

    ed81e646 male

    Prof. Muhammad Waseem

    Head of the Department

    Faculty of Rehabilitation and Allied Health Sciences, Riphah International University

    Pakistan , Pakistan

    Institution Profile Link: https://www.riphah.edu.pk/our-faculty-members-frahs/

    Email :

    STM Journals, An imprint of Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.,
    A-118, 1st Floor, Sector-63, Noida, U.P. India, Pin – 201301, India

    Principle Contact
    Parul Jaiswal Associate Editor
    Phone:- 0120 4781221
    [email protected]