Editorial board

Editor Overview

ijippr maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.


JournalsPub, An imprint of Dhruv Infosystems Pvt. Ltd.

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Meet the Editorial Board Members


Editor in Chief (1)

18f4cead dr. r. madana mohana

Dr. R. Madana Mohana


Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad,

Telangana , India

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

Editor (14)

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Dr. Mansaf Alam

Associate Professor

Jamia Millia Islamia

New Delhi , India

Institution Profile Link: https://www.jmi.ac.in/malam2

Email :

04b88b5b dr. manish m kayasth

Dr. Manish M Kayasth

Vice Principal

UCCC & SPBCBA & SDHG College of BCA and IT

Gujrat , India

Institution Profile Link: https://www.udhnacollege.ac.in/images/manishk.png

Email :

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Dr. Sunil Kumar


Manipal University

Rajasthan , India

Institution Profile Link: https://jaipur.manipal.edu/foe/head-cc.php

Email :

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Dr. Sasmita Mishra

Professor & HOD

IGIT, Sarang Talcher

Orissa , India

Institution Profile Link: https://igitsarang.ac.in/facultypage/cs/150995011

Email :

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Dr. Pokkuluri Kiran Sree


Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women(A)

Andhra Pradesh , India

Institution Profile Link: https://svecw.irins.org/profile/49369

Email :

f08adaca dr. jhimli adhikari

Dr. Jhimli Adhikari

Associate Professor

Narayan Zantye College of Commerce

Goa , India

Institution Profile Link: https://www.zantyecollege.ac.in/faculty/jhimliadhikari.html

Email :

36ed5b09 dr. kamadi v s r p varma

Dr. Kamadi V S R P Varma

Associate Professor

GITAM University

Andhra Pradesh , India

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

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Dr. T. Velumani

Assistant Professor

Rathinam college of arts and science(Autonomous)

Tamil Nadu , India

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

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Dr. A. Ayeshamariam


Khadir Mohideen College

Tamil Nadu , India

Institution Profile Link: http://www.kmcadirai.org/profile/dashboard?uname=ayesha

Email :

ed81e646 male

Mr. Bikram Ballav

Assistant Professor

Biju Patnaik University of Technology

Odisha , India

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

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Dr. Alagarsamy Devendran

Associate Professor

Dr. M.G.R. Educational & Research Institute University

Tamil Nadu , India

Institution Profile Link: https://drmgrdu.irins.org/profile/221154

Email :

ff858e17 mr. avatharam ganivada

Dr. Avatharam Ganivada

Assistant Professor

Indian Statistical Institute

Kolkata , India

Institution Profile Link: https://scis.uohyd.ac.in/People/profile/ga_profile.php

Email :

5e1d0122 prof. ketan sarvakar

Prof. Ketan Sarvakar


Ganpat University- U. V. Patel College of Engineering

Gujarat , India, 384012

Institution Profile Link: https://adm.ganpatuniversity.ac.in/ProgramAvalilableforOA.aspx

Email :

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Mr. Shivkant Kaushik

Assistant Professor

Sat Kabir Institute of Technology and Management (SKITM)

Haryana , India

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

JournalsPub, An imprint of Dhruv Infosystems Pvt. Ltd.,
A-118, 1st Floor, Sector-63, Noida, U.P. India, Pin – 201301, India

Principle Contact
Rishabh Pandey Commissioning Editor
Phone:- (+91)120-4781-208
[email protected]
Support Contact
Chinku Gautam Associate Editor
Phone: (+91)120-4781-153
[email protected]


STM Journals, an Imprint of Consortium eLearning Network Pvt Ltd.
A-118, First floor, Sector-63
Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301

Support Contact

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 Rishabh Panday(Associate Editor)
 [email protected]

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 Chinku Gautam(Associate Editor)
 [email protected]