Editorial board
International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology Cover

International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology

ISSN: 2455-7293

Editors Overview

ijepst maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.

Meet the Editorial Board Members

Editor (15)

Mr. M. Gopinath

Dr. N. G. P. Institute of Technology
International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology

Email :

Institutional Profile Link : https://www.drngpit.ac.in/assets/pdf/courses/eee/Newsletter-2015-16.pdf

Mr. S. Thiruvenkadam

Professor and Head
P.A. College of Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology

Email :

Institutional Profile Link : http://www.irdindia.in/mentors_profile/19_Dr.%20S.%20THIRUVENKADAM.pdf

Prof. Amit Kumar Srivastava

Associate Professor
Shambhunath Institute Of Engineering & Technology
International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology

Email :

Institutional Profile Link : https://siet.in/Uploads/Staff_Resume/EMP-021.pdf

Dr. M.V. Subramanyam

Professor & Principal
Santhiram Engineering College
International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology

Email :

Institutional Profile Link : https://www.drmvsubramanyam.com/address

Mr. Vikas Goyal

Senior Manager
Singh Isotech Private Limited
International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology

Email :

Institutional Profile Link : https://singhisotech.com/?cat=eng

Dr. D. K. Chaturvedi

Dayalbagh Educational Institute
International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology

Email :

Institutional Profile Link : https://www.dei.ac.in/dei/engineering/index.php/2012-12-08-09-23-43/electrical-engg-faculty/17-electrical-engineering-faculty/69-prof-devendra-kumar-chaturvedi