Editorial board
International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review Cover

International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review

ISSN: 2584-1866

Editors Overview

ijadar maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.

Meet the Editorial Board Members

Editor in Chief (1)

Dr. Sharada Patil

Associate Professor
Sinhagad Institute of business Administration and Research
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review

Email :

Institutional Profile Link : http://cms.sinhgad.edu/sinhgad_management_institutes/sibar_mca/faculty-details.aspx

Editor (7)

Mr. Vishal K. Pandya

Shri V J Modha College of IT
International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review

Email :

Institutional Profile Link : https://www.shrivjmodhacollege.com/faculties.php?mod=ad

Mr. Umer Farooq

District Trainer and Monitoring Officer
KPESE, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review

Email :

Institutional Profile Link : https://dlpkp.com/team.html

Dr. Saddam Alwane

UniversityTechnology/ of computer engineering department/ Baghdad
International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review

Email :

Institutional Profile Link : https://ce.uotechnology.edu.iq/index.php/ar/s/cv/982-dr-saddam-alwane

Mr. Muhammad Rikzam Kamal

Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam (KPI)
Universitas Islam Negeri K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review

Email :

Institutional Profile Link : https://lpm.uingusdur.ac.id/data-dosen/view-submission/238.html

Dr. Lekha Achuth

Associate Professor
PES University
International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review

Email :

Institutional Profile Link : https://staff.pes.edu/nm1231/

Mr. Rajesh Yadav

Assistant Professor
Sies College of Arts Science and Commerce (Autonomous)
International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review

Email :

Institutional Profile Link : https://siesascs.edu.in/faculty/show_user_profile.php?user_id=216

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