Editorial board

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Editor Overview

ijbbr maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.


STM Journals, An imprint of Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.

E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: (+91) 0120- 4781 200, 0120 4781221
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Meet the Editorial Board Members


Editor in Chief (1)

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Dr. Bechan Sharma


University of Allahabad

Uttar Pradesh , India.

Institution Profile Link: https://allduniv.ac.in/hod

Email :

Associate Editor in Chief (2)

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Dr. Tashfeen Ashraf

Assistant Professor

Gautam Buddha University

Uttar Pradesh , India

Institution Profile Link: http://www.thegbu.in/FacultyProfiles/GBU_Profile_152.pdf

Email :

8428f629 rajalakshmi govindaraju



AMET Deemed to be University, Chennai

Tamil Nadu , India

Institution Profile Link: https://www.ametuniv.ac.in/Biotech/faculty

Email :

Editor (12)

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Dr. Aniket Gade

Associate Professor

Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga

Maharashtra , India, 400019

Institution Profile Link: https://www.sgbau.ac.in/departments/Profile/faculty-Profile-A.K.Gade%2026%20June%202021.pdf

Email :

ed81e646 male

Dr. Surya Prakash Dv

Assistant Professor

Meerut Institute of Engg.& Technology

Uttar Pradesh , India

Institution Profile Link: https://miet.ac.in/miet/assets/files/CV_Surya.pdf

Email :

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Dr. Alireza Heidari

Full Distinguished Professor

California South University (CSU)

California , USA

Institution Profile Link: http://calsu.us/index.php/member/prof-dr-alireza-heidari/

Email :

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Dr. Nagham Mahmood Aljamali


College of Education, University of Kufa

Kufa , Iraq

Institution Profile Link: https://staff.uokufa.edu.iq/profile.html?nagham.aljammali

Email :

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Dr. Rashmi Wardhan

Associate Professor

Shivaji College, The University of Delhi

New Delhi , India

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

ed81e646 male

Dr. Arash Hossein Pour

Assistant professor

Necmettin Erbakan University

Konya , Turkey

Institution Profile Link: https://www.erbakan.edu.tr/personel/13117/aras-turkoglu

Email :

451a7948 female

Dr. Veda Krishnan



New Delhi , India

Institution Profile Link: https://www.iari.res.in/sci_db/sci_details.php?scid=TkdrZ0srS1RCbStVU09NaGV1WkxTZz09

Email :

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Dr. Mariia Shanaida

Associate Professor

Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical

Ternopil , Ukraine

Institution Profile Link: https://en.phmb.tdmu.edu.ua/struktura

Email :

ed81e646 male

Dr. K. S. Karthikeyan

Post-Doctoral fellow

National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research Govt. of India

Hyderabad , India

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

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Dr. Lekha Gandhi

Phd Scholor

University of Hyderabad

Telangana , India

Institution Profile Link: http://uoh.ac.in/

Email :

ed81e646 male

Dr. Ashish Runthala


Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani

Rajasthan , India

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

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Dr. K. Jayakumar


PMS College of Dental Science and Research

Kerala , India

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

Guest Editor (3)

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Dr. Mohammed Khursheed

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Mohammed Bin Rashid University

Dubai , United Arab Emirates, 1234

Institution Profile Link:

Email :

ed81e646 male

Prof. Muhammad Waseem

Head of the Department

Faculty of Rehabilitation and Allied Health Sciences, Riphah International University

Pakistan , Pakistan

Institution Profile Link: https://www.riphah.edu.pk/our-faculty-members-frahs/

Email :

ece7a86a md. ashrafuzzaman

Prof. Md. Ashrafuzzaman


Military Institute of Science and Technology

Mirpur , Bangladesh

Institution Profile Link: https://mist.ac.bd/

Email :

STM Journals, An imprint of Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.,
A-118, 1st Floor, Sector-63, Noida, U.P. India, Pin – 201301, India

Principle Contact
Parul Jaiswal Associate Editor
Phone:- 0120 4781221
[email protected]