Subscription Review Article

A Data-Driven Approach to Sales Analysis

   V. Vijayakumar,    Priyadharshini Durga. B,
Volume :  11 | Issue :  01 | Received :  February 16, 2024 | Accepted :  March 28, 2024 | Published :  April 3, 2024
DOI :  10.37591

[This article belongs to Journal of Advanced Database Management & Systems(joadms)]


Sales Analysis, Data Analytics, Excel Analysis, Business analytics, Exploratory data analysis, Descriptive Data Analysis, Data Driven Approach


Decisions made using data from digital sources are said to be data-driven when they are analysed and interpreted. Across many sectors, a data-driven approach is an effective technique for gaining insights, making wise choices, and guiding corporate strategy. This paper covers the concept of data analytics in sales analysis of bakery and mess. It involves evaluating diverse types of information, including sales data, customer preferences, production costs, and supplier details. A summary of data analytics’ methods, procedures, and applications is presented. The real time data set is collected from the bakery & mess for the sales analysis purpose. Data visualization techniques are frequently used in exploratory data analysis (EDA), which examines, analyses, and summarizes data sets primary features. The data-driven strategy entails systematically gathering and examining a variety of data, from sales and inventories to defensive actions. The paper presents findings and insights after the data preparation and methodology. Sales Performance Dashboard is prepared. Businesses may monitor and identify patterns and trends in their sales performance by using dashboard and also sales teams can monitor key performance metrics, identify problem areas, and make timely, data-driven choices to enhance their sales methods.

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