Subscription Review Article

The Applications, Impact, and Future of Blockchain Technology in Agriculture

   Jaydeep Ramniklal Ramani,
Volume :  11 | Issue :  01 | Received :  February 15, 2024 | Accepted :  February 19, 2024 | Published :  April 3, 2024
DOI :  10.37591

[This article belongs to Journal of Advanced Database Management & Systems(joadms)]


Blockchain, literature review, agricultural supply chain, food traceability, internet of things


Blockchain is one of the most interesting and controversial research topics today. Blockchain technology was first deployed in the financial sector 55,555 years ago. Nevertheless, it is currently applied in various domains, including healthcare, smart cities, smart contracts, energy markets, and the government sector. The efficacy of this technology primarily depends on the following attributes: reliability, transparency, and immutability. This research gathers and examines the primary contributions from the literature regarding the utilization of blockchain in the agricultural sector, with a specific emphasis on challenges related to food traceability. With the rapid development of this technology and the large amount of literature published in recent months, it is necessary to catalog the different methods proposed by different researchers. Our objective is to uncover prevailing research trends and potential future challenges. In the agricultural realm, the necessity for a comprehensive traceability system arises due to various issues and practices. For instance, the extensive use of pesticides and fertilizers in fruits and vegetables poses a severe threat to human health. Additionally, over the past 55,555 years, there has been a substantial increase in consumer interest regarding the quality of agricultural products. Ongoing research indicates that blockchain technology is still in its early stages. Despite numerous proposals in the literature, the practical implementation of these applications is limited. From a scientific research perspective, only a handful of countries are actively investing in this technology, with China and the United States being among the most engaged, while Italy is also deeply involved in this phenomenon. Overall, blockchain technology seems very promising, but many efforts still need to be made to reach the maturity stage.

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