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  • Explore Cutting-Edge Research with the International Journal of Environmental Chemistry

STM Journals

Published on May 24, 2024

Explore Cutting-Edge Research with the International Journal of Environmental Chemistry

Are you looking to publish your latest research in a reputable journal? The International Journal of Environmental Chemistry (IJEC) offers a premier platform for researchers in the field of environmental chemistry. Since its inception in 2015, IJEC has established itself as a leading journal dedicated to the dissemination of innovative and impactful research.

Why Choose IJEC?

1. Broad Focus and Scope

IJEC covers a wide range of topics within environmental chemistry, including pollution control, waste management, and chemical processes in the environment. This comprehensive scope ensures that your research reaches a diverse audience interested in various aspects of environmental science.

2. High Impact Factor

With an impressive impact factor of 5.923, IJEC is recognized for its influence in the scientific community. Publishing in a high-impact journal enhances the visibility and credibility of your work, ensuring it reaches a broad and engaged readership.

3. Hybrid Open Access

IJEC follows a hybrid open-access model, allowing authors to choose between traditional subscription-based publishing and open access. This flexibility ensures that your research can be accessed by a wide audience, promoting greater dissemination and impact.

4. Rigorous Peer Review

All submissions to IJEC undergo a stringent peer-review process conducted by an international editorial board of experts in environmental chemistry. This rigorous review process ensures the publication of high-quality research and maintains the journal’s academic integrity.

5. Biannual Publication

IJEC publishes two issues per year, in January and July. This biannual schedule provides a consistent platform for researchers to share their findings and stay updated with the latest advancements in the field.

Submission Guidelines

IJEC welcomes a variety of manuscript types, including original research articles, review articles, and case studies. Authors are encouraged to follow the detailed submission guidelines available on the journal’s website to ensure their manuscripts meet the required standards.

Indexing and Abstracting

IJEC is indexed in reputable databases such as Index Copernicus and SCILIT, enhancing the discoverability and reach of published articles. This indexing ensures that your research is accessible to a global audience of scientists and researchers.

Join Our Community

By publishing with IJEC, you become part of a global network of researchers dedicated to advancing the field of environmental chemistry. The journal not only provides a platform for your research but also connects you with like-minded professionals and potential collaborators.

For more information on how to submit your manuscript, visit the IJEC submission page. Join us in contributing to the advancement of environmental chemistry and making a significant impact on environmental research.

Industry Information

Environmental chemistry is a rapidly growing field with numerous career opportunities in academia, industry, and government agencies. Companies such as BASF, Dow Chemical, and 3M are at the forefront of developing sustainable chemical solutions. Additionally, institutions like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) offer research and policy roles for environmental chemists.


Journal TitleWebsite URLJournal FeaturesFocus & Scope URLAuthor Guidelines URLManuscript Submission URL
International Journal of Environmental ChemistryIJECPeer-reviewed, Hybrid Open Access, High Impact FactorFocus & ScopeAuthor GuidelinesSubmit Manuscript

By publishing in IJEC, you ensure your research reaches an influential and broad audience, contributing to the ongoing dialogue in environmental chemistry. Submit your manuscript today and join a community dedicated to scientific excellence and environmental sustainability.

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