Mechanized Physiotherapy Device for Accident Victims

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Vishal Kr. Giri,


Shikhar Kant Sinha,


Surashika Tomar,




Aviral Malay,


Assistive robots are in high demand because they allow people to work freely. Physiotherapy is an outstanding recovery session given to mostly all accidental victims during recovery span. Although, due to the experimental nature of examination, assessment, and treatment, the lack of scientific measures, current methodologies, and modernization, as well as the empirical nature of examination, assessment, and treatment, this endeavour is hampered. This paper proposes an idea of using an exoskeleton-based system for the physical therapy of the hand (primarily). Our system endeavour to enhances the existing therapy methods by introducing accurate and repeatable linger motion, continuous measurement, interactivity, Great exercise assortment and statistical storage and evaluation. The robotic arm is controlled using robotic kinematics concepts. The graphical user interface (GUI) is used to operate the actuators that control the robotic arm’s joints. Because the robotic devices may assist in moving the patient’s limbs during exercises, this system helps therapists save time by increasing the number of therapy sessions per patient and the number of patients undergoing therapy.

Keywords: Therapy sessions, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, graphical user interface (GUI), electric motor

How to cite this article:
Vishal Kr. Giri, Shikhar Kant Sinha, Surashika Tomar, Surbhi, Aviral Malay. Mechanized Physiotherapy Device for Accident Victims. International Journal of Software Computing and Testing. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
Vishal Kr. Giri, Shikhar Kant Sinha, Surashika Tomar, Surbhi, Aviral Malay. Mechanized Physiotherapy Device for Accident Victims. International Journal of Software Computing and Testing. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received 15/12/2021
Accepted 25/12/2021
Published 29/01/2023