Open Access
Nisha Pandey,
Citrus has a variety of species, including oranges (Citrus sinensis), In vitro antioxidant and anti-enzyme tests were used to investigate the anti-aging activity of alcoholic extracts of C. reticulata Blanco peel. After two extraction procedures were utilised, isolates were found to qualitative and quantitative phytochemical examination. The Soxhlation (CR HAE) extract has a higher overall phenolic and flavonoid content than the maceration extract (CR CAE). CR HAE had strong DPPH and Superoxide free radical scavenging activity, however both extracts had similar ABTS scavenging activity. CR HAE’s Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) was found to be higher, indicating that it has a high antioxidant activity. Various macroscopic characteristics of fruit pulp, like colour, taste, texture, size, and so on, were examined and distributed. Transverse sections of pulp and dried powder material were examined under the microscope. Under a compound microscope, the outermost epidermal layer was cleaned with chloral hydrate, dyed with phloroglucinol, and mounted with glycerin.
Keywords: fruit pulp, glycerin, Citrus, reticulata Blanco peel, Essential Oil, Polyphenols
Nisha Pandey. Citrus Reticulata’s Anti-Aging use of Essential oil Chemical Process. International Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry. 2023; ():-.
Nisha Pandey. Citrus Reticulata’s Anti-Aging use of Essential oil Chemical Process. International Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry. 2023; ():-. Available from:
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International Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry
Volume | |
Received | 01/04/2022 |
Accepted | 17/04/2022 |
Published | 24/01/2023 |