Impact of COVID-19 on Agricultural Practices of India

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | | Page : –

    D. Joel Jebadurai,

  1. Impact of COVID-19 on Agricultural Practices of India, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Tamil Nad, India


Agriculture is the prime sector which feed all the people living in the world. From the ancient to modern period, people are giving more importance for agriculture in order to fulfill their food needs.It is important to say that COVID-19 make a significant impact on agriculture in various dimensions.The researcher has studied the impact of COVID-19 on agriculture in various aspects in India. Personal observation and unstructured interview were conducted by the researchers for to collect the qualitative data from the farmers in India. The researchers concluded that COVID-19 played an unforgettable negative impact in the agricultural practices in India.

Keywords: COVID-19, agriculture practices, farming, lockdown, employment

How to cite this article:
D. Joel Jebadurai. Impact of COVID-19 on Agricultural Practices of India. NOLEGEIN Journal of Business Risk management. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
D. Joel Jebadurai. Impact of COVID-19 on Agricultural Practices of India. NOLEGEIN Journal of Business Risk management. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received 20/03/2021
Accepted 01/04/2021
Published 24/01/2023