An Interventional Study to Assess the Effect of Back Care on Quality of Sleep among Geriatric People of Nadiad City

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Nickson Das,

Sharma khushbu,

Parmar Meet,

Patel Devansh,

Parera Ripal,

Patel Janvi,

Pathan Muskan,

Muniya Nehal,

  1. Assistant Professor, HOD Fundamentals of Nursing Department, Dinsha Patel College of Nursing, Nadiad, Kheda District,, Gujarat, India
  2. Student, Dinsha Patel College of Nursing, Nadiad, Kheda District, Gujarat, India


Introduction- Sleep is a condition of body and mind that recurs for several hours every night in which the sympathetic and parasympathetic system is relatively inactive, that eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically sling. Back care was formed in 1968 as national back pain association. Back care is registered charity that aims to reduce encumbrance of back pain by providing information and support. Encouraging best practises and providing research funding. Cleaning and massaging the back while paying close attention to pressure points is known as back care. A back massage in particular comforts and soothes the client, promoting skin stimulation and emotional relaxation. Aim: The purpose of the current study is to evaluate how back treatment affects older patients’ sleep quality and their sleeping habits. • To evaluate the impact and developments of geriatric back care. • To ascertain the relationship between back care practises and sleep quality. Objective: (1) to assess the sleeping pattern among geriatric people of Nadiad city. (2) To assess the effectiveness of the back care among geriatric of Nadiad city. (3) To find out the association of the quality of sleep with demographic variables among geriatric people of Nadiad city. (4) To find out the comparison between experimental group and control group on quality of sleep among geriatric people of Nadiad city. (5) To find out the association between experimental group and control group on quality of sleep among geriatric people of Nadiad city. Methodology: Quantitative Research (Design) Quasi experimental control group design. The physical, social, and cultural location where the study is being conducted might be considered the research context. In quantitative research, meaning making is primarily the emphasis, and participants are observed in their natural environments. The samples are chosen from the city of Nadiad. The number of individuals or observations included in a study is referred to as the sample size. The sample size for the study was 30 experimental group and 30 control group of Nadiad city. Prior to data collection written setting permission obtain from CDHO (Chief District Health Officer) of Kheda district, for the data collection researcher were selected to areas of Nadiad city which were namely mission road and ST Nagar, Nadiad. The total sample size was 60 samples. The tool consists following section-01 Socio demographic variable, section-02 checklist, section-03 Pittsburgh sleep quality Index. Results: Out of 60, 60 (100%) were belong age 60–65 (10.8%), 66–70 (24.3%), 71–75 (16.2%), 76–80 (29.7%), were females 7 (18.9%), male (18.9%), where married samples (37.8%), unmarried (5.4%), widow (37.8%), were social class of samples includes upper class (13.5%), upper middle class (29.7%), middle class (37.8%), where sleeping problem (10.8%), where physical activity (81.1%), bed time sleep (81.1%), night time walking, Yes (10.8%), No (70.3%), some factorsaffect sleep (81.1%), where medical disorder (81.1%). Conclusion: The current study’s objective is to evaluate the impact of back care on geriatric residents of Nadiad city’s sleep quality. The study’s pre-experimental pre-test post-test group design included 60 samples, which were chosen using a practical sampling technique. The content validity and reliability of the tool was done, which suggested that the tool was reliable, the pilot study was conducted among 5 samples and the feasibility of the study was established. Based on the objectives, the data analysis was done by calculating the mean, percentage, standard deviation, Mann-Whitney and t-test. Result revealed that an average assessment of sleep quality before back care was effective back care in geriatric people. This suggests that back treatment is significantly effective in raising senior patients’ sleep quality.

Keywords: Rapid Eye Movement, Chief District Health Officer, t-test: hypothesis test, statistic, Quasi: Partly , Mean: Average

How to cite this article:
Nickson Das, Sharma khushbu, Parmar Meet, Patel Devansh, Parera Ripal, Patel Janvi, Pathan Muskan, Muniya Nehal. An Interventional Study to Assess the Effect of Back Care on Quality of Sleep among Geriatric People of Nadiad City. International Journal of Geriatric Nursing. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
Nickson Das, Sharma khushbu, Parmar Meet, Patel Devansh, Parera Ripal, Patel Janvi, Pathan Muskan, Muniya Nehal. An Interventional Study to Assess the Effect of Back Care on Quality of Sleep among Geriatric People of Nadiad City. International Journal of Geriatric Nursing. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received 20/06/2022
Accepted 20/07/2022
Published 24/01/2023