Investigation of Discarding Methods for Industrial Plastic Waste

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | | Page : –

    Ashutosh Singh,

  • Shakti Kumar,

  1. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Bansal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, India
  2. Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Bansal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, India


Plastic waste management may be a critical issue. Over 300 million metric plenty of plastics are manufacture within the world yearly and about one-half of this volume is for disposal applications, the product that is discarded within a year of their purchase. It’s the boon and bane of our times. While there are multiple uses, its waste and thus the resultant pollution clogs up our rivers, oceans, lands and adversely affect biodiversity. We’d like to plan for disposal of the latest synthetic product, implants, etc which have completed their time period. Plastic recycling is especially enlarging thanks to continuously increasing consumption levels of both commodities. Composting-aerobic and anaerobic, both the choices are available to the resigned for scientific disposal of waste in future. However, the country also needs something in tens of policy and guidelines to enable the municipal corporations to run the waste services effectively. Economic development and people’s changing patterns of consumption and production have led to extreme growth in plastic wastes everywhere on the earth. Plastic waste disposal is harmful to human health and the environment. Hence, there’s a great desire to scale back the plastic wastes. To scale back plastic wastes, education is very important as education can change people’s knowledge, attitude, and behaviors in the direction of plastic waste management.

Keywords: Municipal and industrial plastic waste, plastic waste problem, Plastic waste management, Land filling, Mechanical, Biological and Thermo chemical recycling

How to cite this article:
Ashutosh Singh, Shakti Kumar. Investigation of Discarding Methods for Industrial Plastic Waste. Research & Reviews : Journal of Ecology. 2023; ():-.
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Ashutosh Singh, Shakti Kumar. Investigation of Discarding Methods for Industrial Plastic Waste. Research & Reviews : Journal of Ecology. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received 13/05/2021
Accepted 04/06/2021
Published 04/06/2023

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