Open Access
Ramandeep Kaur,
Neha Thakur,
- Tutor, College of Nursing, Govt. Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh, India
- School Nurse, AI Safa Early learning Centre, Dubai, UAE
The present study was conducted as an attempt to assess the knowledge and practices of mothers regarding the prevention of dental problems among children in a selected rural area of District Hoshiarpur, Punjab. The primary objective of the study was to assess the knowledge and practices of mothers regarding the prevention of dental problems among the children. Data to assess the knowledge and practices of mothers regarding the prevention of dental problems among the children was collected under three sections: Section A: Demographic data, Section B: Self-structured questionnaire to assess the knowledge of mothers regarding prevention of dental problems among the children, Section C: Selfprepared checklist to assess the practices of mothers regarding prevention of dental problems among the children. A convenient sampling technique was used to select 80 mothers of children of age group 4–12 years from Village Sataur of District Hoshiarpur, Punjab. The data was analyzed and interpreted in terms of the objectives of the study. Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized for the data analysis. Results of the present study showed that the majority of mothers had average knowledge and practices regarding the prevention of dental problems among the children. The correlation between knowledge and practices of mothers was found highly positive (r = 0.8046). Education and type of family had a significant association with the knowledge of mothers whereas there was no significant association of age, occupation, family income, number of children, and source of information with the knowledge of mothers regarding prevention of dental problems among the children. There was a significant association between education and practices of mothers whereas there was a non-significant association between the practices of mothers regarding the prevention of dental problems among the children and age, occupation, type of family, family income, number of children, and source of information.
Keywords: Collected, dental problems, knowledge, mother, practice
Ramandeep Kaur, Neha Thakur. Knowledge and Practices of Mothers regarding Prevention of Dental Problems among the Children. International Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2023; ():-.
Ramandeep Kaur, Neha Thakur. Knowledge and Practices of Mothers regarding Prevention of Dental Problems among the Children. International Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2023; ():-. Available from:
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International Journal of Pediatric Nursing
Volume | |
Received | 10/11/2020 |
Accepted | 20/11/2020 |
Published | 10/01/2023 |