Open Access
Helen Mariadoss,
Banumathi K,
- Professor, Department of Nursing, Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
- Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
- Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Currently influenza occurs in all countries and affects millions of people every year. Influenza is truly an International disease. It may occur pandemic in every 10 to 40 years. This study was aimed to create awareness and to develop preventive health behaviour among school children. Methods: The Descriptive co relational study design was adapted at St. Ann’s School at Mangadu, total enumerative sampling technique was used, self-structured MCQ questions were used to collect the data from 306 school children from 6th to 10th standard. Results: The study findings revealed that majority of them had inadequate knowledge 61.11% and less than 1% (0.98%) of them had adequate knowledge, while assessing preventive health behaviour 54.58% of them had moderately adequate preventive health behaviour only 25.49% of them had adequate health behaviour and only 19.93% of them had inadequate preventive health behaviour. There was significant association between the age, number of children, educational status of the parents with the level of preventive behaviour on swine flu among the school children. Conclusion: It highlights the necessity of health education on health practices of school children which pays significant role in prevention of swine flu.
Keywords: Behaviour, health, pandemic, Swine flu, technique
Helen Mariadoss, Shenbahavalli, Banumathi K. Assessment of Preventive Health Behavior to Prevent Swine Flu Among School Children. International Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing. 2023; ():-.
Helen Mariadoss, Shenbahavalli, Banumathi K. Assessment of Preventive Health Behavior to Prevent Swine Flu Among School Children. International Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing. 2023; ():-. Available from:
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International Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing
Volume | |
Received | 19/01/2021 |
Accepted | 12/03/2021 |
Published | 12/03/2023 |