Open Access
Juby Mol. C. John,
D’Souza Prema,
Dsouza Verginia,
- Associate Professor, Department of Pediatric Nursing, St. Ignatius Institute of Health Sciences, Honavar, Karnataka, India
- Professor & HOD, Department of Pediatric Nursing, Father Muller College of Nursing, Kankanady, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
- Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St. Ignatius Institute of Health Sciences, Honavar, Karnataka, India
Pediatric HIV infection is a rapidly emerging problem among children in India. The purpose of this study was to assess the behavioral problems of children with HIV infection in a selected care and support centre at Mangalore. The study aimed to understand the behavioral problems of children with HIV infection and give better-individualized care to these vulnerable groups. A descriptive survey design was used for the study. The subjects consisted of 60 children with HIV and chosen by purposive sampling technique. Data were collected by using the child behavioral checklist as reported by the caregiver. Results revealed that the majority of the subjects (76.7%) had moderate, mild (1.7%), and severe (21.7%) behavioral problems. The result showed that more than half of the subjects (53.02%) were hyperactive; less than half exhibited the withdrawn behaviour (43.68%), and the rest were aggressive (44.67%) in nature. “Chi-square test was used to find the association of the behavioral problems in children with HIV infection with their selected demographic variables”. The finding of the study highlights the significant association between the behavioral problems of children with HIV infection and selected baseline variables such as age (x2=5.192) and religion (x2=7.040). The study concluded that assessing the behavioral problems of children with HIV infection helps to identify the problems of children. The study recommended that to conduct further longitudinal and comparative studies, the studies to assess the behavioral problems of children with HIV and other chronic illness.
Keywords: Behavioral problems, child behavioral checklist, HIV infected children, purpose,significant
Juby Mol. C. John, D’Souza Prema, Dsouza Verginia. A Descriptive Study to Assess the Behavioral Problems of Children with HIV Infection in a Selected Care and Support Centre. International Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2023; ():-.
Juby Mol. C. John, D’Souza Prema, Dsouza Verginia. A Descriptive Study to Assess the Behavioral Problems of Children with HIV Infection in a Selected Care and Support Centre. International Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2023; ():-. Available from:
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International Journal of Pediatric Nursing
Volume | |
Received | 10/10/2020 |
Accepted | 05/12/2020 |
Published | 05/01/2023 |