A Quasi-experimental Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Spirulina with Lemon Juice on Anemia among Under-five Children in Selected Schools at Madurai, Tamil Nadu

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

R. Jothilakshmi,


Nalini Jeyavanth Santha,

  1. Professor, Department of Child health Nursing, Sacred Heart Nursing College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  2. Principal and H.O.D, Child health Nursing, Sacred Heart Nursing College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India


Anemia among under-five children is an important concern for the health authorities in India. Untreated anemia in children can have a serious effect on their growth. Spirulina is blue-green algae. It contains protein, iron, vitamins, and minerals. It is aimed at a quasi-experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of spirulina with lemon juice on anemia among under-five children in selected schools at Madurai, Tamilnadu. Quasi-experimental pre-test post-test control group design was used. 150 children were participated. All children were aged between 2–4 years. Pre-test was done. The researcher administered spirulina (1 gm) with lemon juice (50 ml) to the experimental group. Post- test I and II were conducted for both groups. Following apparatus was used for data collection such as Shali’s haemoglobinometer. Observation checklist used to identify signs, and symptoms of anemia. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the findings. In the experimental group, the signs and symptoms of anemia mean post-test I score was lesser (2.4) than mean pre-test score (4.56). The obtained (F value-18.8, p-value 0.000***) and the mean post-test I haemoglobin value was higher (9.77) than mean pre-test score (8.99). The obtained (F value-715, p-value 0.000***) were very highly significant. Based on haemoglobin (student’s t-test = 7.194, p-0.000***) and observation checklist on signs, and symptoms of anemia (student’s t-test = -4.690, p-0.019*), it concluded that spirulina with lemon juice was effective in reducing signs and symptoms of anemia, and improved haemoglobin level among under-five children.

Keywords: Anemia, hemoglobin, lemon, spirulina, under-five children

How to cite this article:
R. Jothilakshmi, Nalini Jeyavanth Santha. A Quasi-experimental Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Spirulina with Lemon Juice on Anemia among Under-five Children in Selected Schools at Madurai, Tamil Nadu. International Journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
R. Jothilakshmi, Nalini Jeyavanth Santha. A Quasi-experimental Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Spirulina with Lemon Juice on Anemia among Under-five Children in Selected Schools at Madurai, Tamil Nadu. International Journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research. 2023; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ijnspr/article=2023/view=91998

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Open Access Article
Received 08/08/2021
Accepted 16/08/2021
Published 16/01/2023