Geriatric Health Care In India: A Review

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Reena N,


Nelson Jewas,

  1. PhD Scholar, Department of Nursing, Mansarovar Global University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
  2. Research Guide, Department of Nursing, Mansarovar Global University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India


With declines in fertility and increases in longevity, the population is aging and this trend is expected to continue throughout the next several decades. As a result of the number and diversity elders, there will be significant medical and social challenges which much be addressed in order to provide optimal care for the geriatric population. Medical challenges include increasing numbers of patients living with one or more chronic conditions. Socially, assessing health literacy and adjusting plans of care accordingly, optimizing living arrangements, and working to reduce poverty will be critical to improving the health and quality of life of elders.

Keywords: Longevity, Geriatric population, Hypotension; Comorbidities, Coronary syndrome

How to cite this article:
Reena N, Nelson Jewas. Geriatric Health Care In India: A Review. International Journal of Geriatric Nursing. 2023; ():-.
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Reena N, Nelson Jewas. Geriatric Health Care In India: A Review. International Journal of Geriatric Nursing. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received 21/05/2022
Accepted 24/05/2022
Published 24/01/2023