Open Access
C. Armenta-Déu,
- Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 28040 Madrid, Madrid, Spain
This paper is focused on the analysis of the performance of DC electric motor for electric vehicles (EV) in urban and intercity routes. The paper analyzes the different driving conditions in both types of routes reproducing the most current situations and how they influence the electric motor performance. The study is focused on a dual electric motor configuration, series and parallel, which equips an electric vehicle prototype, evaluating the power response using both configurations, and comparing results from any of the two types of DC electric motor. A control system is proposed to commute between series and parallel configuration depending on driving conditions and type of route to maximize the performance of the electric motor. Driving routes have been segmented into five categories, acceleration, deceleration, constant velocity, ascent and descent, as representative of any urban or intercity routes. A simulation process has been carried out to reproduce real driving conditions. The simulation has been applied considering the turning speed of the electric motor as the key parameter to decide which configuration should be selected. The results of the simulation process indicates that the control system selects the working configuration depending on the turning speed of the electric motor but also on the acceleration rate.
Keywords: Electric vehicle, DC electric motor, Dual series/parallel configuration, Control system, Performance improvement
C. Armenta-Déu. Control System Operational Protocol for Dual DC Electric Motor Configuration in Electric Vehicles. Journal of Mechatronics and Automation. 2023; ():-.
C. Armenta-Déu. Control System Operational Protocol for Dual DC Electric Motor Configuration in Electric Vehicles. Journal of Mechatronics and Automation. 2023; ():-. Available from:
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Journal of Mechatronics and Automation
Volume | |
Received | 14/02/2022 |
Accepted | 24/02/2022 |
Published | 24/01/2023 |