Rape Culture: A Violence against Women Running Through Ages

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Khushi Masarani,


Mohammed Lokhandwala,


Dhaval Chudasama,

  1. Professor, Indrashil University, Gujarat, India
  2. Professor, Indrashil University, Gujarat, India
  3. Professor, Indrashil University, Gujarat, India


Despite many national government efforts such as Beti Bachao Beti Padhao–Educate the daughter, save the daughter–the crime rate is on the rise. According to Georgetown University’s Institute for Ladies, Peace, and Security Index, India ranks 133rd out of 167 countries. The 2019 report rates 167 countries based on three indicators: inclusion, justice, and security for women. According to the report, with multiple occurrences of harassment and rapes in the last two years, women’s safety on the streets and in public places has decreased. According to government statistics, roughly four women are raped in this country every hour. Unfortunately, most cases go unreported due to embarrassment, poor management, and other factors. When will the country prioritise women’s safety? It is dangerous to be a woman in India. It is a rape culture in which girls are told how to dress to avoid “inviting trouble” and “slut-shaming,” therefore normalising male hunting behaviour. India is a country where the rule of law is based only on evidence. As a result, whether or not the child will receive justice is a matter of time. The major question is, why don’t the monstrosities on women stop? Incidents like as the Nirbhaya, Priyanka Reddy, and Hathras instances have only served to humiliate humanity. Despite having the strongest rape laws in the world, the instances just won’t go away. So, where is the issue? What is lacking in today’s society? We are plagued with a slew of questions. Some of the grounds for rape are considered to be the prevalence of vulgarity in Indian cinema, online series, and even some television shows. The Internet revolution and the all-too-accessibility of smartphones have made porn or dirty sex-detailing accessible to all. Both the law and society have to take responsibility to get rid of the wrongdoings like rape. The process of justice in the country has become so complicated that the victims are getting discouraged. The process of justice has to be streamlined, only then every person will be able to get justice in time. Today rape cases need to be resolved at the earliest. If it is a matter of law, then a law was made to stop the incidents of rape, but we have to see how much sensitivity towards women has increased in the meantime? There stands no humanity. The government has made law but has not been able to implement it. The Internet revolution and the all-too-easy availability of cellphones have made porn or nasty sex-detailing available to everyone. To eliminate wrongdoings such as rape, both the law and society must accept responsibility. The country’s court system has gotten so convoluted that victims are becoming disillusioned. Only through streamlining the legal system will everyone be able to receive justice on time. Rape cases must now be settled as soon as possible. If it is a matter of law, then a law was enacted to prevent rapes, but we must wait and see how much sensitivity toward women has increased in the interim. There is no humanity here. The government has passed legislation but has been unable to put it into effect. Rape instances in our society today are not just due to sexual attraction, but also to a lack of awareness of men’s rights over women. This occurrence is still carried out by family members at home nowadays. In such a case, society must also acquire moral understanding so that their conscience can be awakened before committing such wrongdoings.

Keywords: Sexual assault, false allegations, Laws for women, violence against women, rape crime

How to cite this article:
Khushi Masarani, Mohammed Lokhandwala, Dhaval Chudasama. Rape Culture: A Violence against Women Running Through Ages. Journal of Human Rights Law and Practice. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
Khushi Masarani, Mohammed Lokhandwala, Dhaval Chudasama. Rape Culture: A Violence against Women Running Through Ages. Journal of Human Rights Law and Practice. 2023; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/jhrlp/article=2023/view=91463

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2. http://www.legalserviceindia.com/articles/rape_laws.htm last access 27/03/2021.
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4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3777345/ last access 27/03/2021.
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6. https://www.police1.com/police-products/investigation/evidence-management/articles/ investigating-rape-crimes-part-2-evidence-collection-and-analysis-m9xK3iJEXeUSS4NT/

Open Access Article
Received 19/03/2021
Accepted 20/10/2021
Published 20/01/2023