CFD Study on the Effect of Air Bubble Injection Performance of a Horizontal Helical Shell and Coiled Tube Heat Exchanger

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | | Page : –

    Rohit Verma,

  • Dharmendra Rathore,

  1. M. Tech Scholor, Bagulamukhi College of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
  2. Associate Professor, Bagulamukhi College of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India


In present review, a shell and curled cylinder heat exchanger will be numerically considered. The creation technique for helically looped tube which contains turbulator and furthermore the impacts of turbulator on warm and frictional qualities of hotness exchanger will be introduced in this review. CFD examination on ANSYS FUENT programming will be acted in two principle modes. In first mode, the liquid of looped cylinder will be water and in second mode the liquid of wound cylinder will be air. Parallel and Counter Flow of the two different fluents are being studied. Every mode will be read up for both void looped tube and with turbulator under various liquid stream rates. The liquid of shell side will be high temp water for all cases. Researches shows that this sort of heat exchanger can be utilized in covered cylinders which fundamentally expanded the general hotness move coefficient and clearly pressure drop. Air is introduced inside the heat exchanger for better results. In summing up of the bubbles and the interaction with the heta/thermal boundary layer can increase the velocity (hence the Reynolds number) of the shell side flow.

Keywords: Shell heat exchanger, cylinder, heat exchanger, trial examination, pressure drop, heat transfer coefficient

How to cite this article:
Rohit Verma, Dharmendra Rathore. CFD Study on the Effect of Air Bubble Injection Performance of a Horizontal Helical Shell and Coiled Tube Heat Exchanger. International Journal of Mechanics and Design. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
Rohit Verma, Dharmendra Rathore. CFD Study on the Effect of Air Bubble Injection Performance of a Horizontal Helical Shell and Coiled Tube Heat Exchanger. International Journal of Mechanics and Design. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received 26/11/2021
Accepted 29/12/2021
Published 29/01/2023

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