Open Access
S. Karthikeyin,
G. Rajiv Suresh Kumar,
R. Divya,
- Assistant Professor, JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India
- Professor, JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India
- Assistant Professor, JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India
Roads overload leftovers a critical issue while they are invariably increased so as to increase their capacity and enhance their effectiveness. This can be likely to cause many troubles specified ecologically, financially, and socially. The progress of urban traffic management systems, structure and development of roads are solutions to handle this problem and acquire better the performance of the road transmission, but these solutions are high-priced and need extra space for the establishment and lasting maintenance. A substitute would be to use the novel technologies within the field of communication for dispatch traffic information like dangerous road conditions and accident sites and vehicles leave warning messages to the emergency vehicles. In this paper, we present a VANET framework to avoid traffic congestion and other vehicles in the network are warned of moving emergency vehicles. The emergency vehicles receive detailed information about the emergency vehicle and additional route information. The driver will take possible right action timely by receiving detailed information. This type of application rescues lives and save precious time.
Keywords: ITS-AC, VANET, Traffic, warning message, maintenance, road congestion
S. Karthikeyin, G. Rajiv Suresh Kumar, R. Divya. Intelligent Transportation System Avoids Collision by Disseminate the Warning Messages in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network. Journal of Telecommunication, Switching Systems and Networks. 2023; ():-.
S. Karthikeyin, G. Rajiv Suresh Kumar, R. Divya. Intelligent Transportation System Avoids Collision by Disseminate the Warning Messages in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network. Journal of Telecommunication, Switching Systems and Networks. 2023; ():-. Available from:
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Journal of Telecommunication, Switching Systems and Networks
Volume | |
Received | 03/12/2021 |
Accepted | 18/12/2021 |
Published | 18/01/2023 |
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