Open Access
S. Priyalakshmi,
R. Deemagi,
- Assistant Professor, Shriram Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India
- Student, Jai Shriram Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India
- Student, Jai Shriram Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India
The existing look at is made and tries to findout the employee welfare measures adopted in IT agency. Worker welfare technique for few things perform for the development of the personnel over and above the wages paid which was not always a need of the employer. The simple motive of employee welfare is to beautify the existence of employees and maintain them glad. Personnel spend as a minimum half of their time at work or attending/leaving to it. The present study deals with employee welfare measures in Information technology Industry. Human beings are entitled to be dealt with as complete human beings with personal dreams, hopes and anxieties. Study on employee welfare is very important for the growth of the organization. Information technology industry plays a major role in the growth of the economy as everything is made as system based in all the sectors. The development of any sector lies in the individual improvement and it is a great thing to take care of welfare measures of the employees. The present study is made and tries to findout the worker welfare measures adopted in IT enterprise. They know that they contribute to the agency when they are fairly unfastened from worry and that they feel that when they are in trouble/problems, they are because of get something returned from the corporation. Humans are entitled to be dealt with as full human beings with non-public wishes, hopes and anxieties.
Keywords: Welfare, wages, organization, improvement, IT
S. Priyalakshmi, R. Deemagi, Sabari. A Study on Employee Welfare Measures in Information Technology Industry in India. NOLEGEIN Journal of Information Technology & Management. 2023; ():-.
S. Priyalakshmi, R. Deemagi, Sabari. A Study on Employee Welfare Measures in Information Technology Industry in India. NOLEGEIN Journal of Information Technology & Management. 2023; ():-. Available from:
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NOLEGEIN Journal of Information Technology & Management
Volume | |
Received | 01/07/2022 |
Accepted | 30/07/2022 |
Published | 30/01/2023 |