REITs As a Real Estate Investment

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

    Smriti Sian,

  • Harshita Setia,

  1. Student, Manav Rachna University, Haryana, India
  2. Student, Manav Rachna University, Haryana, India


Rental revenue is one of the most prevalent types of passive income that one might produce for oneself. One of the most common forms of passive income that one might generate for himself is rental revenue. However, establishing it as a source of passive income necessitates a significant financial investment, which is generally out of reach for the majority of investors. One of the reasons REITs were established was to take care of and maintain the property, as well as to deal with tenants and other issues. The article provides a quick overview of REITs, their operations, and the many types of REITs. The authors have attempted to explain the concept of REITs and other real estate-based organizations to the reader, as well as the differences between the two. A detailed analysis of an investor’s investment possibilities is offered, including pros and drawbacks, as well as if it is a viable option to invest. REITs, according to the author, are a notion that has yet to fully mature in India. The point of the article is to illustrate how it works and how important it is to general investors.

Keywords: REIT, property, infrastructure, investment, real estate and housing

How to cite this article:
Smriti Sian, Harshita Setia. REITs As a Real Estate Investment. National Journal of Real Estate Law. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
Smriti Sian, Harshita Setia. REITs As a Real Estate Investment. National Journal of Real Estate Law. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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1. Securities and Exchange Board of India
3. Mr. Rohit Arora. Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs): Development in India. Indian Journal of Applied Research. July 2012; 1(X)
4. Pooja Sarkar. Should you invest in REITs. Forbes India. 2020 Nov 24.

Open Access Article
Received 07/01/2022
Accepted 15/01/2022
Published 15/01/2023