Bang of COVID-19 on Indian Stock Market

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Monika Jain,

  1. Senior Advocate, Bar Council of Delhi (BCD), New Delhi, India


COVID-19 crisis and its connected social and economic impacts, there are sufficient reasons to COVID-19 will change the dynamics of financial markets, both during the pandemic and in terms of changing thinking and practices in the future. This includes affecting the influence practices of households and firms; as well as the awareness of equity risk, in the middle of many other financial, economic, and social impacts. Monetary foundations have begun understanding liquidity very important. The presentation in India of the banking sector is most likely linked to the economy rather than any other sector. Securities exchange is single of the majority elastic parts in the monetary plan structure of a nation and Stock market significant circumstances in financial growth. Securities exchange is a heart point where services are given to the buyers to buy and trade their shares, and others therefore onwards. Stock Market and dissimilar organizations are tending to their responsibility through public issues Bombay Stock Exchange, the National Stock Exchange and the Calcutta Stock Exchange are the recorded stock market in India. COVID19 are a huge group of infections that can cause sicknesses running normally in significance.

Keywords: COVID-19, stock market, economy, financial, securities

How to cite this article:
Monika Jain. Bang of COVID-19 on Indian Stock Market. Journal of Capital Market and Securities Law. 2023; ():-.
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Monika Jain. Bang of COVID-19 on Indian Stock Market. Journal of Capital Market and Securities Law. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received 21/06/2021
Accepted 27/08/2021
Published 27/01/2023