Open Access
Zayyanu Muhammad Kalgo,
Yakub Aliyu,
Joshua Benjamin Wisdom,
- Student, Government Day Secondary School Kalgo, , Nigeria
- Main Supervisor, r, Federal University Birnin, , Nigeria
- Co-supervisor, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology Aliero, , Nigeria
A vehicle tracking system (VTS) has been designed, constructed, and evaluated. The main purpose is to accurately determine the position of a vehicle at any time with minimal response delay. The device consists of a GPS receiver, a microcontroller, and a GSM module. These systems function by constantly monitoring and tracking the positional location of the vehicles and concurrently reporting the details to the central location via SMS on an identified cellular phone. The user has the option to these details using Google or any other available navigation maps. A comprehensive literature review was conducted to identify key device requirements and determine opportunities for improved functional performances design included software that was to successfully implement and optimized the circuit for improved performances and functionality. A functional performance evaluation test was conducted and compared with the performances of three devices designed by other researchers. This device demonstrated better performance with respect to the critical device requirement; Response time delay (the time it takes to send back locational details). An average response delay of 20 seconds was achieved compared to Adelabu (2017), Klin (2018) and Ogbonna (2016) with an average response delay of 83 seconds, 93 seconds and 105 seconds respectively. The system performed efficiently across four major GSM service providers yielding comparable delay responses that ranges 18–20 seconds. The system used Google Map or any other tracking tool or software that ensured achieving precise latitude and longtitude for positioning accuracy. This improved performance in this work is drawn from the use of the optimised software.
Keywords: VAT, GPS, GSM, Microcontroller, SMS
Zayyanu Muhammad Kalgo, Yakub Aliyu, Joshua Benjamin Wisdom. Design and Construction of High-Performance Vehicle Tracking System. International Journal of Microelectronics and Digital Integrated Circuits. 2023; ():-.
Zayyanu Muhammad Kalgo, Yakub Aliyu, Joshua Benjamin Wisdom. Design and Construction of High-Performance Vehicle Tracking System. International Journal of Microelectronics and Digital Integrated Circuits. 2023; ():-. Available from:
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Volume | |
Received | 14/09/2021 |
Accepted | 22/09/2021 |
Published | 22/01/2023 |