An Improvement of Out-of-Band Suppression in Common-Gate LNA with Transformer-Based Input Matching Network for BLE Applications

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Song-Chol Song,


Jin-IL Choe,


Hae-Long Kim,


Song-Bok Kim,


Jong-Chol Ri,

  1. Senior Researcher, the State Academy of Sciences, Pyongyang, DPR (Democratic People’s Republic), Korea
  2. Senior Researcher, the State Academy of Sciences, Pyongyang, DPR (Democratic People’s Republic), Korea
  3. Senior Researcher, the State Academy of Sciences, Pyongyang, DPR (Democratic People’s Republic), Korea
  4. Professor, Microelectronic Centers, the State Academy of Sciences, Pyongyang, DPR (Democratic People’s Republic), Korea
  5. Professor, Microelectronic Centers, the State Academy of Sciences, Pyongyang, DPR (Democratic People’s Republic), Korea


The purpose of this paper is to improve out-of-band suppression in capacitive cross-coupling common-mode LNA with transformer-based input matching for BLE applications. Starting from an overview of the transformer-based matching network, the problematic issue is addressed through analytical considerations and its solution is presented. Transformer-based matching introduces an undesired peak response by an extra conjugate pole pair owing to the imperfect magnetic coupling of the transformer which degrades the suppression of out-of-band interference. Based on the analytical results, to improve out-of-band suppression, the resonant frequency of the BLE band must be tuned by the shunt capacitance at the primary side while reducing all parasitic capacitances at the secondary side. To further attenuate the interference, a new technique for enhancing the equivalent resistance of an output LC tank is proposed. The simulation results in 55-nm RF CMOS show a gain of 25-dB, a noise factor of 3.8-dB, and an input matching of less than -20-dB. The core current is 800-𝜇A at a supply voltage of 0.7-V. The out-of-band suppression at the third harmonic of the LO is 49-dB which can be compliant with a -30-dBm out-of-band interference mask.

Keywords: low-noise amplifier, common-gate, out-of-band interference, transformer-based input matching, Bluetooth low energy

How to cite this article:
Song-Chol Song, Jin-IL Choe, Hae-Long Kim, Song-Bok Kim, Jong-Chol Ri. An Improvement of Out-of-Band Suppression in Common-Gate LNA with Transformer-Based Input Matching Network for BLE Applications. International Journal of Microelectronics and Digital Integrated Circuits. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
Song-Chol Song, Jin-IL Choe, Hae-Long Kim, Song-Bok Kim, Jong-Chol Ri. An Improvement of Out-of-Band Suppression in Common-Gate LNA with Transformer-Based Input Matching Network for BLE Applications. International Journal of Microelectronics and Digital Integrated Circuits. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Volume 7, Issue 2
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Open Access Article
Received 14/02/2021
Accepted 21/02/2022
Published 21/01/2023