E-STATCOM for Improving Power System Damping Profile

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | | Page : –

    A.H.M.A. Rahim,

  • M.R.A. Wara,

  1. Professor, Brac University, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  2. Lecturer, Rabindra Maitree University, Kushtia, Bangladesh


This work shows the performance improvement of a power system using STATCOM interfaced with an energy storage device (E-STATCOM). The storage device considered in this article is a supercapacitor. The STATCOM draws or supplies reactive power to the system while the supercapacitor caters for real power need. A multimachine power system model has been developed incorporating the STATCOM and supercapacitor dynamics. E-STATCOM has been considered to have been installed in the relatively weaker part of the power system. The model involves writing dynamics of each machine in its own reference frame, integrating them with the network equations in the synchronous reference frame, and also integrating them with the STATCOM and supercapacitor controller. Simulation studies have been carried out with torque pulse on a generator, several threephase fault scenarios in the system, and also with sequential fault in the system. It has been observed that the properly controlled E-STATCOM device provides very good damping profile following disturbances. It is even able to temporarily stabilize otherwise unstable system.

Keywords: Energy storage, E-STATCOM, Supercapacitor, Power System Stability, Multimachine System

How to cite this article:
A.H.M.A. Rahim, M.R.A. Wara. E-STATCOM for Improving Power System Damping Profile. International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
A.H.M.A. Rahim, M.R.A. Wara. E-STATCOM for Improving Power System Damping Profile. International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology. 2023; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ijepst/article=2023/view=90650

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Open Access Article
Received 02/11/2021
Accepted 10/11/2021
Published 10/01/2023

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