Open Access
Rushikesh Meher,
Girish Joshi,
- Student, G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India
- Professor, G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India
The design philosophy of the strong-column weak-beam (SCWB) in which plastic flexibility is allowed to occur only in beams while the expanded columns are widely accepted in the independent earthquake design codes of steel. Under this method of harvesting, earthquake power is dispersed mainly by plastic hinges on beams and columns. The plastic strength of flexible beams and column bases can greatly affect the response of the SCWB framework. During the lasting earthquake, the plastic columns are more important than the beam gaps that cause damage to the global structure and the high risk of life. All parts of the structure transfer their power through the column and the column shares it with the base and soil, so you can imagine if the column fails to form, all of it could fall into this fragile weak concept of the column.
Keywords: ETABS, pushover analysis, RC frame buildings, strong-column weak-beam design
Rushikesh Meher, Girish Joshi. Study of Strong-Column Weak-Beam Concept on Seismic Capacity of Buildings of Varying Heights. International Journal of Construction Engineering and Planning. 2023; ():-.
Rushikesh Meher, Girish Joshi. Study of Strong-Column Weak-Beam Concept on Seismic Capacity of Buildings of Varying Heights. International Journal of Construction Engineering and Planning. 2023; ():-. Available from:
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International Journal of Construction Engineering and Planning
Volume | |
Received | 13/06/2021 |
Accepted | 17/06/2021 |
Published | 17/06/2023 |
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