A Comparative Study on Beam Slab and Flat Plate Building Frame under Seismic Load

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

    Lamiya Farah Chowdhury,

  • Rabaka Sultana,

  • Saurav Barua,


The study delves to evaluate the performance of beam slab and flat plate slab in the building frame due to seismic load. Two models of the same layout plan and story levels were compared under seismic load as per BNBC 2016—one was a typical frame structure with beam slab i.e., model 1 and another one was a frame structure with a flat slab, i.e., model 2. Frame structure with beam slab (model 1) reduced story drift varying from 16.34 to 66.67% at various floor levels compared to a frame structure with a flat slab (model 2). It is evident that beam slab can control drift and reduce story-wise drift significantly. Story-wise column shear force decreased in presence of beam in the building frame under earthquake load. Story-wise bending moment at the bottom of column decreased with the rise of story height under seismic load in both models. However, the bending moment at different story levels was much lower in frame structure with beam slab. Column reaction at the corner and middle columns under seismic load decreased to 19.08% and 70.20% respectively in the beam slab frame. Since there was no beam in the structure, overturning moment adding up to 55% in model 2 compared to model 1.

Keywords: Beam slab, BNBC 2016, flat plate slab, seismic load, story drift

How to cite this article:
Lamiya Farah Chowdhury, Rabaka Sultana, Saurav Barua. A Comparative Study on Beam Slab and Flat Plate Building Frame under Seismic Load. Journal of Structural Engineering and Management. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
Lamiya Farah Chowdhury, Rabaka Sultana, Saurav Barua. A Comparative Study on Beam Slab and Flat Plate Building Frame under Seismic Load. Journal of Structural Engineering and Management. 2023; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/josem/article=2023/view=90181

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Open Access Article
Received 09/11/2020
Accepted 13/02/2021
Published 13/02/2023