Open Access
Ramesh Chandra Mohapatra,
- Associate Professor, Mechanical Department, Government College of Engineering, Odisha, India
The aim of the present work was to prepare the specimens with the help of hand-lay-up technique to measure the thermal properties of TWDPC. The density & voids of TWDPC were measured to determine its physical property & significantly affected some of its mechanical properties. Taguchi experimental method was applied to optimize its thermal properties. The optimal factor combinations were determined with the help of ANOM & the analysis of variance (ANOVA) identified the level of importance on the parameters on each of the thermal properties. ANOM results showed that the contribution parameters for minimum value of thermal conductivity, linear thermal expansion & maximum value of specific heat capacity were B>C >A, A>C>B & C>A>B. From ANOVA results it was found that the volume fraction & the particle size of TWD has major influence for minimizing the thermal conductivity & linear thermal expansion, whereas the polymer resin was one of the best parameters to maximize the specific heat of TWDPC. Finally, it was concluded that TWDPC was one of the eco-friendly composites which can be used for various thermal applications
Keywords: Teak wood dust, Polymer resin, Thermal properties, Taguchi technique, ANOM, ANOVA.
Ramesh Chandra Mohapatra. An Approach on Optimization of Thermo Physical Properties of Teak Wood Dust Filled Polymeric Composites. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2023; ():-.
Ramesh Chandra Mohapatra. An Approach on Optimization of Thermo Physical Properties of Teak Wood Dust Filled Polymeric Composites. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2023; ():-. Available from:
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Journal of Polymer and Composites
Volume | |
Received | 30/05/2021 |
Accepted | 08/11/2021 |
Published | 08/01/2023 |