Optimization of Project Progress Using 3D Laser Scanning Technique

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Rahul Kumar Gupta,


V.K Paul,


Sushil Kumar Solanki,

  1. Student, Dept. of Building Engineering & Management, School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi, India


Industrialization and modernization play a major role in construction industry and influence the development of infrastructure in all the related sectors as well. Modern and advanced devices when calibrated with project execution processes, can prove to be a time saving & error free method and also assured quality end result. Quality control and quantity management are the ways to control and measure projects. Analysis of measures provides information that may indicate corrective action. This process can improve the performance of the project and it plays a major role in the procedure of project progress on site tracking. The breakthrough of interoperability of 3D laser scanners with 4D construction models (BIM with time schedule), is massive and influencing the industry in a positive rapid way. The traditional practice of construction progress assessment generally takes time, capital and sometimes results in partial, inaccurate and incorrect information feed. This study and exploration will try to bridge the gap between traditional ways of progress tracking and modern devices available to do the same in more efficient and accurate manner. Analysis on the benefits of these technology and the practical challenges which can occur in its implementation have been observed and inferred accordingly. Paper explores the automated approach for monitoring and tracking a project which recognize physical progress of work done accurately and efficiently. Crucial components of a successful project such as analysis and visualization of the as-built work progress with the planned one, this tool proved to be valuable for construction progress monitoring. Automation at all stages right from data collection or acquisition, analyzing and progress representation or visualization and also recognition of elements deviation make the process of construction error free and timely. To achieve the desired outcome based on the project requirement, set of methods have been formulized which can optimize the progress of tracking and inspecting the project in real time using 3D laser scanner and allied software.

Keywords: Monitoring Project, Progress Tracking, Project Inspection, BIM, Scanning Technology

How to cite this article:
Rahul Kumar Gupta, V.K Paul, Sushil Kumar Solanki. Optimization of Project Progress Using 3D Laser Scanning Technique. International Journal of Architecture and Infrastructure Planning. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
Rahul Kumar Gupta, V.K Paul, Sushil Kumar Solanki. Optimization of Project Progress Using 3D Laser Scanning Technique. International Journal of Architecture and Infrastructure Planning. 2023; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ijaip/article=2023/view=90034

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Open Access Article
Received 17/01/2022
Accepted 25/01/2022
Published 07/01/2023