Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Study of Chitosan-Schiff Base Manganese Complex

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | | Page : –

    Agiya Cosmos M.C.,

  • Pravesh Saini,

  • Jaya T. Varkey,

  1. Students, Department of Chemistry and Centre for Research, St. Teresa’s College, Kerala, India
  2. Students, Department of Chemistry and Centre for Research, St. Teresa’s College, Kerala, India


Schiff base is the condensation product formed when a primary amine reacts with a carbonyl compound. The term Schiff base is normally applied to those compounds when they are being used as ligands to form coordination complexes with metal ions. Its formation takes place under acid or base catalysis or with heat. Vanillin Schiff base and Aspartic acid-Salicylaldehyde Schiff bases have been synthesised by condensation reaction. The synthesized ligands were mixed together to improve the ligand efficiency. The mixed ligand was successfully complexed with metal ion manganese to study its catalytic activity. The structure and properties of the complex have been characterized by spectral and thermal techniques. The catalytic activity and recyclability of the complex has been proved by the efficient synthesis of Benzimidazole.

Keywords: Schiff base, Chitosan, metal complex, Benzimidazole, Mixed ligand

How to cite this article:
Agiya Cosmos M.C., Pravesh Saini, Jaya T. Varkey. Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Study of Chitosan-Schiff Base Manganese Complex. International Journal of Chemical Synthesis and Chemical Reactions. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
Agiya Cosmos M.C., Pravesh Saini, Jaya T. Varkey. Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Study of Chitosan-Schiff Base Manganese Complex. International Journal of Chemical Synthesis and Chemical Reactions. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received 14/04/2022
Accepted 20/04/2022
Published 07/01/2023

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